  • 學位論文


The Presentation of Tradition and Gender in Food Film

指導教授 : 陳玉箴


自1980年代開始,許多以食物為主角或重要配角的電影開始大量出現,它們建構了一種新的敘事結構,並漸漸發展為一個新的類型,形成所謂的「飲食電影(food film)」,其主要構成要素包含食物本身,產出或呈現食物的空間,從食物衍伸出的關係及食物的象徵性等。飲食電影做為一種類型電影,擁有深層的文化內涵,符合觀賞者的個人經驗,且負載重要的社會價值。   飲食電影的劇情發展建立在其所設定的國家與年代的重要社會變遷背景之上,使得日常飲食生活、飲食環境與烹飪者角色也隨之改變。本研究選取《飲食男女》、《美味關係》、《食客》三部飲食電影,以文本分析的方式,討論飲食電影的構成要素與透過其敘事內容,闡述「傳統」概念為什麼會發生變遷,及形塑廚務工作中的性別差異現象。   研究發現,飲食文化歷經時代更迭,固有傳統面對社會轉型的衝擊,其世代相傳的內涵並未被完全捨棄,反而因新世代的承接,參與了傳統的創造與發展。長久以來,影像再現的女性與男性特質都有一定的規範可循,亦是社會建構下的產物。而從飲食電影的再現中,不難發現女性早期在廚務工作中的弱勢,惟隨著女性自我意識的抬頭與兩性平等社會的逐漸形成,女性掌管的廚房將可由家裡向外延伸。


飲食電影 類型 傳統 現代 性別


Since the 1980s, many films which make food as main role or important supporting role have increasingly arisen. They create a new narrative structure and develope a new film genre which is so-called ‘food film’. Food film is composed of several elements: the food, the producing or the presenting of food, the relation extended from food, and the symbolism of food. As a genre film, food film has not only deep culture connotation, but also the connection of audience’s personal experience. Moreover, it loads important societal value.   The progress of food film’s plot is based on the important change of the society in its country or era. The change makes the daily diet life, the diet environment and the role of cook alter as well. The research employed textual analysis to discuss the composition of three food films: Eat Drink Man Woman, Julie & Julia and Le Grand Chef. Through the analysis of movie narratives, it examines the reason why ‘tradition’ changed and it also explains the phenomenon of gender differences in kitchen works.   The research finds out that food cultures alter year by year. However, when the tradition faced social changes, its connotation from generation to generation is not completely abandoned. The new generation not only continues the tradition, but also brings the innovation. Through the ages, the female and male’s characteristic from the image reproduction has certain distinguished features, and that is also the product of the social construction. From the reproduction of food film, it is not difficult to find out that the female in the past was disadvantaged in the kitchen jobs. However, with the rise of female awareness and the formation of the gender equality in society, the female could go out for kitchen job instead of staying at home.


Food Film Genre Tradition Modern Gender


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