  • 學位論文


The Research of Google ads on the status of the application of Taiwan’s SMEs and its’ Long Tail Phenomena

指導教授 : 林承謙


網路發展至今造就新的產業革命,在食衣住行育樂各方面深深地影響人們的生活,搜尋引擎已成為人們上網的「入口」,而Google以搜尋與廣告服務為主並廣結盟友,以整合之方式,將各類服務發揮最大效益,在競爭激烈的科技產業中保持領先。Google的經營思維與獨特的廣告盈利模式為本研究之動機,而臺灣企業主要多以中小型企業為主,在行銷預算上普遍有限,因此希望藉由對Google廣告計劃的瞭解,並透過訪談知曉其運用現況,以提供臺灣中小企業於網路行銷方面之參考。 本研究旨在探討Google廣告服務並與臺灣Yahoo!奇摩的關鍵字廣告做比較與分析。研究過程採內容分析法與深入訪談法,藉由文獻與學理作為訪談與研究的基礎,希冀瞭解Google廣告於臺灣中小企業的應用現況,並從長尾現象之角度顴察並分析Google廣告何以成功。 研究結果發現Google廣告計劃與臺灣Yahoo!奇摩的關鍵字廣告最大不同處有兩點:(一)本質的不同:Google為搜尋引擎入口,臺灣Yahoo!奇摩為綜合性的入口網站,搜尋引擎沒有年齡、族群、產業等限制,而入口網站以投放消費性產品廣告為大宗;(二)國際化與在地化:臺灣Yahoo!奇摩雖在臺灣的市佔率高,但帳戶只限於臺灣本地操作;Google則可以一個帳戶操作全球的廣告,外銷產業選擇投放廣告部份,Google優於臺灣Yahoo!奇摩。 針對Google AdWords來觀察是否有關鍵字的長尾現象,分析後證實關鍵字的「品項」無限,只要是想得出來的字詞皆可成為關鍵字,擁有無限商機。此外,Google廣告創新的營利模式符合長尾理論所提出之九項成功原則,為Google的成功提供一種看法。 關於Google廣告於臺灣中小企業的運用現況,本研究歸納如下:(一)臺灣中小企業選擇Google廣告的主因有曝光免費,且曝光度高,達到品牌宣傳的效果;無預算門檻;即時性與機動性;行銷精準與免費分析軟體。(二)本研究進一步發現台灣中小企業中,排名前五名適用關鍵字廣告行銷的產業有娛樂遊戲、旅遊、零售、教育和醫療生技,因此與上述五個產業相關的企業可將關鍵字廣告納入行銷的方式之一。 本研究總結提出兩項有助於廣告代理商提升行銷手法之建議:(一)口碑行銷:官網上雖已分享眾多關鍵字廣告的成功案例,但多以廣告的角度去操作。因此建議透過部落格、社群媒體及論壇等平台經營並分享使用者經驗以推廣關鍵字廣告。(二)行動廣告:行動廣告在臺灣仍於發展初期,代理商可藉由行動廣告的特性、獨特的遞送流程等推動自身的廣告服務,另一方面也向使用者宣傳手機廣告的方便性及為未來將成為主要的廣告媒體做準備。對於中小企業主而言建議如下:(一)廣告刊登要素:擁有網站為第一要務,再來則考慮是否委託授權代理商代為操作,最後可參考同類型產業是否已有成功的案例,降低失敗風險;(二)善用Google分析進行網站優化:擁有網站後,進一步則需針對「讀者」、「搜尋引擎」及「投資報酬率」三個項目進行網站調整,可透過Google Analytics協助進行優化;(三)良性溝通:代理商與業主間的合作有成功必然也有失敗,常見原因歸納有認知差異、企業本身體質差及無法堅持三項。最後,無論網路廣告如何發展,應朝顧客的需求出發,將其價值做延伸,化為長尾商機。


Web development has created new industrial revolution in Food, clothing, housing, traffic and amusement deeply affect people in all aspects of life. The Internet search engine has become a "portal", and Google to search and advertising services-oriented and broad alliance Friends of the way of integration will maximize the effectiveness of various services, in the highly competitive technology industries stay ahead. Google's advertising business thinking and unique profit model-based are motivations of the research, and more Taiwan enterprises to small and medium enterprises based mainly in the marketing budget generally limited, so I hope through the understanding of the Google advertising program, known through interviews the status of SMEs’ application, to provide Internet marketing aspects of Taiwan's SMEs in the reference. This study aims at investigating and analysing the Google advertising services in contrast to Taiwan Yahoo! Kimo's keyword advertising. The research is using content analysis and in-depth interviews with literature and theories as the basis, to study the application of Google ads by the small and medium enterprises in Taiwan as well as to observe under the long tail phenomenon and analyse the success of Google ads. The results showed that there are two major differences between Google ads and Taiwan Yahoo! Kimo's keyword ads: (a) Status: Google is a web search engine portal as while Taiwan Yahoo! Kimo is a comprehensive web portal. Web search engines do not have restrictions of age, ethnicity, industry and other else as while comprehensive web portals have bias in favour of certain aspects such as consumer products; (b) Internationalization and localization: Taiwan Yahoo! Kimo has a large market share in Taiwan but the account is only limited to Taiwan's local operations; in contrast, Google account can operate advertising globally, making Google a more superior advertising market especially in the export industry. When focusing on Google AdWords, there is no limitations in keywords.Searching i.e. any words can be the keywords in searching. This indicates the existence of Long Tail phenomenon. In addition, the innovative business model of Google ads fulfills the nine proposed principles for the success in the Long Tail theorem, suggesting its high commercial potential. The condition of the use of Google ads by the small and medium enterprises in Taiwan is summarized as follows: (a) Free-of-charge Google ads is highly exposed to the public which effectively promotes the brand awareness. Together with no budget afford, high immediacy and mobility, accurate marketing and free analytic software, Google ads has been popular among the enterprises in Taiwan; (b) There are currently five industries on the use of online search engine marketing: entertainment games, tourism, retail, education and medical and health technology. Those enterprises related to the above industries can use AdWords as one of the marketing methods in order to attract more customers online. Based on the study, there are two suggestions to advertising agencies: (a) online word-of-mouth marketing: The official websites share many successful cases but most of which are subjective advertising operations. Online blogs, social media and online forums provide a good platform to share the user experience in a more objective way and hence promoting keyword ads; (b) mobile advertising: the development of the mobile advertising is still in its infancy in Taiwan. Its high immediacy and mobility with direct communicating features help spread the ads to the customers in a more direct way. Due to the ease of publcity, mobile ads are likely to play an important role in marketing in the future. For small and medium enterprises, there are some recommendations: (a) considerations of online advertising: owning a Web site is the top priority of requirements. Need of recruiting authorized agents for website operations is also accounted into considerations. Comparison of online ads among enterprises of same industry for reference can reduce the risk of failure; (b) web optimization: "reader", "Search Engine" and "ROI" are the focuses in website adjustment which can be assisted by Google Analytics; (c) communication: conflicts always exist during cooperation between the agents and the enterprises. The major possible reasons are different opinions, weak strength in enterprises and failure in insistence. Good communication can enhance the cooperation as well as promote the success.


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