  • 學位論文


CREATIOIN OF A DESIGNER-LIFE DURING 1359 DAYS: Indulgence toward Vicissitude - Aesthetic

指導教授 : 趙樹人


本論文研製之本創作論文以2008 年至2012 年期間創作者在廣告企劃擔任設 計師之感悟為論述,創作的內容環繞在"設計人生活"的意象上。以"設計人生活"的意象來闡述專業設計者與自己,與人,與生活,與社會,四者之間的關係。透過美學的互動,所產生的關連及影響。 整個創作的意念上以"1359 天的設計師生活創作"做為命題,主要是來自本身 對"美學"的體悟。設計人以自己的專業能力,設計出來的作品,牽連到觀看者的主觀審美感,影響到改稿、翻版、退稿、認可、發印、出版....等一連串的動作,強調美學的主觀意識的重大影響力! 本創作論文將"1359 天的設計師生活創作"分成7 件系列作品,以創作理念和 創作媒材詳細敘述了1359 天的生活記錄,希望藉由創作論文期許之後從事設計工作時,有不同的思維去面對不同的挑戰,有不同的態度去面對未來的自己!


The thesis herein, mainly focusing on the concept of “Designer’s Life”, is based on the enlightenment acquired by the author as an advertisement designer during 2008 to 2012, which illustrating the inter-relationship among professional designer, people, life and the society. The author is willing to discuss the correlations and the effects generated through the interaction of different aesthetic aspects. The topic of this thesis, “Creation of a Designer-Life during 1359 Days”, comes from the author’s enlightenment toward “aesthetic”. A product, designed by professional abilities of the designer to appeal to the audience, can influence the execution of amending, reproducing, validating, printing and publishing. The author hereby strives to emphasize the great influence of subjective consciousness. “Creation of a Designer-Life during 1359 Days” is segmented into seven products of a series, using the idea and media of creativity for describing the life during 1359 days. Through this thesis, the author hopes to be capable of facing challenges with different thought, and facing herself with different attitude while being a designer in the future.


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