  • 學位論文


“Nezha Conquers the Dragon King”and“The Prince of Egypt”Study on Criteria of Heroic Character Creation

指導教授 : 詹玉艷


一部引起共鳴的動畫在主題的訴求與角色塑造是十分重要。藉由敘事過程突顯角色性格,以呈現出各式各樣的角色外觀造型與內在意涵。本研究主題探究中西方英雄角色設定意涵,先以動畫角色分類方式和一般動畫角色設定製作之準則做為前提,繼而探究英雄角色設定與參考準則,最後再比較兩部動畫英雄角色造型其背後意涵。研究先釐清動畫角色的相關論述,給予清楚的分類角色類型,並就普羅普敘事理論、圖像符號學、性格型態學等理論,歸納出一般動畫角色設定:1、分類角色在三十一種故事行為。2、角色的分類類型由角色的行動範圍,配合三十一種功能,歸納出七種角色類型。3、擬定角色性格形態。4、以符號意義行塑角色外在造型。以此便設定出一般動畫角色設定製作之準則。此為其一。 其二,探究英雄角色塑造機制,研究英雄形象辨識、心理認知記憶、英雄歷程各種角色原型、英雄歷程等理論,歸納出英雄角色設定製作之參考準則:1、由心理認知記憶,辨識英雄形象。2、英雄旅程中八種原型意義上的人物形象,對應著英雄角色之互動。3、英雄角色互動情節,英雄角色原始形象與蛻變形象。即構成英雄角色在敘事情節上的英雄角色設定。最後研究以動畫《哪吒鬧海》與《埃及王子》進行英雄角色設定驗證與設定意涵之比較,並發現皆與本研究所歸納之英雄角色設定製作參考準則十分吻合與中西方英雄表現意涵在:1、英雄旅程。2、穩定的深層文化意涵。3、儀式象徵與英雄造型的轉變。是一致的。


Themes and character creation are relatively important in appealing animations which highlight the characters’ personalities in narration in order to demonstrate the appearance and internal implication of various roles. This study aims to probe into the creation of Western and Chinese heroic characters. It treats animation character classification and general animation character creation criteria as the conditions, explores heroic character creation and criteria, and compares the conotation of heroic character modeling in two animations. The study initially clarifies the statements related to animation characters and classifies the roles. According to Vlaimir Propp’s narration theory, image semiotics and character study, general animation character creation is generalized:(1)to classify the characters in 31 kinds of story behaviors;(2)seven types of characters are generalized according to action of roles and 31 functions;(3)to construct roles personalities;(4)to create the character appearance by meanings of symbols in order to construct the criteria of general animated role creation. This study also focuses on heroic character creation, and probes into heroic image recognition, cognitive memory, role prototypes of roles of heroic journey, and heroic journey. It generalizes the criteria of heroic character creation into the followings:(1)to identify heroic image by cognitive memory;(2)character images of eight prototypes in heroic journey respond to the interaction of heroic character;(3)interaction plots, original images and transformation of heroic character. Heroic character creation of narration is constructed. Finally, this study compares the heroic character creation validation and connotation in Nezha Conquers the Dragon King and The Prince of Egypt. It finds that the findings match the criteria of heroic character creation generalized by this study. Western and Chinese heroic demonstrations are consistent below:(1)heroic journey;(2)stable and in-depth cultural connotation;(3)ceremony symbolization and heroic modeling transformation.




