  • 學位論文

Web 2.0社交網絡中影響資訊分享與自我揭露之因素

Exploring the Factors to Affect Information Sharing and Self-Disclosure in the Web 2.0 Social Network

指導教授 : 黃馨逸
共同指導教授 : 陳牧言(Mu-Yen Chen)


邁入二十一世紀,資訊科技的進步,網際網路早已成為生活中不可或缺的一部分。如今全球資訊網風潮持續蔓延著,網路風貌已經是Web 2.0的時代。而Web 2.0最重要的概念有兩點:使用者創作內容(UGC, User Generated Content) 社會人脈網路服務(SNS, Social Network Services)。它是以互動與分享的特質為中心,因此在許多社群網站中(例如:Facebook、Myspace、愛情公寓及地圖小站等),很多人藉由網站功能分享自己的文章、圖片或影音。透過Web 2.0網路的應用,不僅可以增進人際間的分享,也能促進人際間的互動。近年來,已有許多研究發現自我揭露的程度與關係滿意度,有顯著相關。然而,以Web 2.0社交網絡影響資訊分享和自我揭露之因素的實證研究仍相當缺乏。本研究以六項構面:一、夥伴關係:人或組織彼此間透過相互的合作而達到信任和依賴的長久關係;二、資訊利益:爲了達成自己的利益會透過人與人間的信任、互動彼此進行資訊交換,而形成持久的社會關係;三、Web 2.0網站特性:可讀可寫互聯網及多人參與;四、社交網絡:透過人際關係、社會關係等關係的連結所形成的一個網路型的型態結構;五、自我揭露:將自己內心的感受與訊息,與他人分享;六、分享態度意願:使用者在網路上的資訊互動,也能樂於分享。因此,本研究目的在於以使用者觀點,了解在Web 2.0環境中哪些因素會影響我們分享的意願和自我揭露。 本研究方法以問卷方式進行,且利用SPSS PASW Statistics 18.0統計方法分析。研究結果顯示「資訊分享」之意願是影響自我揭露最重要的因素,其中「社交網絡」和「夥伴關係」會影響資訊分享之意願。而「資訊利益」會影響Web 2.0網站特性,但與夥伴關係沒有顯著性影響。「Web 2.0網站特性」會影響社交網絡和夥伴關係。本研究的結果可幫助使用者在Web 2.0社交網絡有更清楚的了解,並奠定影響使用者自我揭露的因素。


With the coming of the 21st century, the information technology grows rapidly. Internet becomes an indispensable part in life. The ongoing World Wide Web has shifted to Web 2.0. Web2.0 emphasizes the features of interaction and sharing. Many people share their articles, pictures or videos in social websites (e.g., facebook, Myspace, i-Part, Wretch, and map). In more recent years, a number of studies have shown the level of self-disclosure has significant effect on the relationships of satisfaction. However, research focusing on the factors to affect information sharing and self-disclosure in the Web 2.0 social network is still lacking. The research will base on six aspects, including partnership, information benefit, website 2.0 characteristics, social network, self- disclosure and the information sharing. Thus, the purpose of the study is to understand the Web 2.0 environment, what factors will influence our attitude towards information sharing. The method to carry out this study will use a questionnaire. The analysis uses the SPSS PASW Statistics 18.0 software package. The results show that the will of information sharing is the most important factor in affecting self-disclosure. Also, social network and partnership relationships affect the will of information sharing. Information benefit affect web 2.0 characteristics. However, there is no significant impact between information benefit and partnership relationships.Web 2.0 characteristics influence social network and partnership relationships. The results of the study may lead to a better understanding of using the Web 2.0 social network. Moreover, it can lay the groundwork for affecting factors between users.


