  • 學位論文

踩踏在虛擬與真實的邊界 魔獸迷真實生活中之虛擬世界創作論述

Stepping on the boundary between virtual and real Between real life exists in the virtual world of World of Warcraft fans - creative discourse

指導教授 : 卓聖格 教授


在2009年電影《阿凡達》3D電影的推出,已然向世界宣告立體視覺再現的時代來臨,在其他領域的感官體驗上,更是朝向全面性的立體感受發展。另一方面,在個人電腦與智慧手機的平價、平民化,全球有線與無線網路大規模完整覆蓋下,加上硬體普及與軟體開發的雙重飛躍性進步,當代的虛擬世界已然成形,且越趨成熟與完整。從原本明確的地域分野,到現在因科技發展下幾乎無距離、疆域的網路海洋,使用者在虛擬世界中的角色身份與地位已然發生轉變,現今全球性網際網路中所構築的世界日漸變得真假難分,隨著時代與科技的進步,生活中的一切也已越趨於離不開這些虛擬科技的影響。   當真實、現實生活與虛擬世界的界定與界線分野越來越模擬得無法分割之時,對於身處在這樣科技進步的文明時代中,以一個研究者與創作者的角色進行反省,要如何的思考與表現,才能誠懇的感受並呈現當下所身處的時代面貌成為了新的議題,面對虛擬世界在各方面條件環境成熟下的全面性發展,以及其對人類生活的便利性與融入性下,創作者又要如何去以一個「活在當下」的參與者身份,去表達自己看法與反思?   本創作計劃依所設計的條件選擇「大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲」一概念作為此創作在「虛擬世界具象化」的代表原型;基於此,本研究希望尋求一款玩家眾多、堪稱經典之作的作品以為其基礎,並且其美術設計之成熟度、完整與深度必須達到相當的程度較為適合,最後選擇知名遊戲《魔獸世界》,為其移用之模型樣本,本創作研究之作品在發展與製作上主要分為1.概念層面2.視覺表現層面3.技法層面等三個部份來探討。   在本次創作研究所環繞的中心概念:「虛擬世界與真時世界已不分你我」,這一概念最後還是要回歸到「生活」上來表現,本創作研究以虛擬與真實為主要議題,以遊戲之美術角色設定做為被描繪、投射概念的對象,以學術理論做為理解與支撐的工具,然後再次回到創作中屬於感性的部份,在此次的創作研究中走一遍這個歷程,對於創作者所熟識使用的象徵與隱喻有了更深一層的認識。無論是在設計抑或是在創作上,我們終究要面對觀眾,面對使用者;筆者常聽到老師說:「藝術的第一課是誠實,最後一課也是誠實;而最難的……還是誠實!」。拋開了技巧,面對感性上的誠懇、思考上的誠實與反省,的確是開始走進「藝術創作」的第一課,同時也是最後一課。


In the 2009 movie "Avatar" 3D movie launch, already declared to the world the era of stereoscopic playback, sensory experience in other areas, and it is towards the development of a comprehensive three-dimensional feel. On the other hand, in the personal computer and smart phone cheap, civilians, massive global wired and wireless networks complete coverage, coupled with the popularity of the hardware and software development of the dual leap of progress, contemporary virtual world is already forming, and become more mature and complete. Clear geographical distinction from the original, and now due to technological development is almost no distance, the territory of the Internet ocean, the user's role in the virtual world is already a shift in identity and status, now in the global Internet to build a world increasingly becomes difficult to distinguish between true and false, as times with the advancement of technology, everything in life has become inseparable from the more influence these virtual technology. When true, real life and the virtual world simulation definition and boundaries dividing line between getting too can not be divided when, who live in such a civilized era of scientific and technological progress to a researcher and reflect on the role of creator, how the thinking and performance, in order to render sincere feelings and are living in the present era became the new face of the subject, in the face of the virtual world under various conditions are ripe for a comprehensive development environment, and its impact on human life convenience and integration of , the creators but also how to go to a "live in the moment," the identity of the participants to express their views and reflections? This creative project selection criteria in accordance with the design of "massively multiplayer online role-playing game," a concept as this creation in a "virtual world figurative" representative prototype; Based on this, this study hope to find a large number of players, called classic basis for believing that its work, and its art design maturity, integrity and depth must reach a considerable degree is more appropriate, and finally select well-known game "World of Warcraft", the model used for shifting the sample, the research work in the development of creative divided into an upper and production.1.conceptual level,2. visual performance level,3. techniques to explore aspects of the three parts. In this institute around the central concept of creation: "the virtual world and the real world has, regardless of when you and I," this concept finally had to return to the "Life" up performance, the creation of the virtual and the real as the main topic, The role of art in the game is portrayed as a set, the concept of an object projected to academic theory as a tool for understanding and support, and then back again to belong to the emotional part of the creation, in the creation of this course of study to go again For creators are familiar with the use of symbol and metaphor deeper understanding. Whether in design or is in the creation, we will eventually have to face the audience, facing the user; I often hear the teacher said: "The first lesson in the art to be honest, the last lesson is honest; And the hardest thing is honesty! . " Set aside the skills, on the face of emotional sincerity, honesty and reflection on thinking, indeed began to enter the "art" of the first lesson, but also the last lesson.


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