  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Using Augmented Reality on NDM-1 Learning for Elementary School Students

指導教授 : 吳昌憲


隨著科技日漸發達,我們所居住的環境儼然是一個地球村,人口的增加以及國際之間互相交流等各種因素,都讓傳染病的傳播速度與影響範圍快速擴增,近幾年發生的SARS、腸病毒、H1N1流行以及才剛發生不久的超級細菌事件,都促成國人對於傳染病的警戒與重視。本研究利用擴增實境技術(Augmented Reality,AR)結合影片教學來輔助國小學童學習超級細菌相關知識,希望來增加學童的學習效果,並探討學童對於教學系統的滿意度。 本研究建構一套電腦輔助教學系統,設計超級細菌教學課程並且結合影片教學。本研究與國小老師合作,主要研究對象是雲林縣各鄉鎮市與外縣市共253名國小學童。獲得研究結果如下: 1.國小學童對於擴增實境技術結合影片教學的滿意度達高度評 價。 2.國小學童對於超級細菌輔助教學系統的滿意度達高度評價。 3.國小學童對於超級細菌輔助教學系統與其結合影片教學,有 一定的學習成效。 4.不同性別的國小學童對於影片教學與系統的滿意度沒有顯著 差異。 5.中年級學童在「課程內容」的滿意度較高;中低年級學童在 「老師教學」的滿意 度較高。 6.不同地區的國小學童對於影片教學與系統的滿意度沒有顯著 差異。 最後,本研究將根據研究結果提出具體教學建議和未來研究方向,以供學校、教師及研究者參考。


Along with the innovation of technology, the environment is like a global village. Due to the increase of population and more frequent international exchange, the speed and range of infectious diseases propagation have been greatly accelerated. These years, SARS, Enterovirus, H1N1, and NDM-1 epidemics have alerted people to pay more attention on these issues. This study uses Augmented Reality technology to help elementary school students learn NDM-1 knowledge. Hopefully it enhances children's learning effectiveness and explores their satisfaction over teaching system. A computer-assisted instruction system for NDM-1 is constructed in our research. This courseware also incorporates video instruction. The research collaborates with elementary school teacher. The main subject chosen for this study are 253 primary school students . The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Elementary school students have set high values on the augmented reality implemented video instruction. 2. Elementary school students have approving and positive opinions on the NDM-1 computer-assisted instruction system. 3. Elementary school students improved learning effectiveness. 4. There was no significant difference in nstruction/system satisfaction with regard to gender. 5. The middle grade students achieved better satisfaction toward course contents than the others. Lower and middle grade students showed more satisfaction toward teachers` instruction than the others . 6. There was no significant difference in nstruction/system satisfaction with regard to residential area. Based on the results of the study, constructive suggestions are proposed for schools, teachers and future researchers.


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