  • 學位論文


Comparison of the epiphytic algae between the Cladophora and Spirogyra filamentous macroalga

指導教授 : 張穗蘋


台灣地區的中南部河川,包括未受汙染與稍受汙染的淺水河道,一年四季均可見著生性的大型絲狀藻,且生長茂盛,其主要為剛毛藻屬與水綿藻屬的大型絲狀藻。 本研究利用同一棲地相似物理與化學條件下,來比較剛毛藻屬與水綿藻屬藻體著生藻類,包括其著生藻之種類及數量,並計數Menhinick、Margalef、Shannon-Weaver、Simpson、McIntosh、Equitability、Shannon-Weaver Equitability等生態指數,同時證明因受著生藻體的不同而影響著生藻。 剛毛藻屬藻體出現的藻種計71種,出現數量平均572.8(116.5~1733.8);Menhinick平均為1.44(0.67~3.44);Margalef平均為4.34(2.58~8.87);Shannon-Weaver平均為0.33(0.16~0.45);Simpson平均為0.98(0.95~1);McIntosh平均為0.89(0.89~0.97);Equitability平均為75.4%(36%~100%);Shannon-Weaver Equitability平均為0.087(0.05~0.12)。水綿藻屬藻體出現的藻種計15種,出現數量平均64.5(16.5~193.5);Menhinick平均為0.87(0.34~1.4);Margalef平均為1.95(0.92~2.97);Shannon-Weaver平均為0.31(0.13~0.49);Simpson平均為0.99(0.97~1);McIntosh平均為0.9(0.77~0.98);Equitability平均為67.7%(27.5%~100%);Shannon-Weaver Equitability平均為0.1(0.08~0.13)。


剛毛藻 水綿 著生藻類


Filamentous algae con be found in rivers that originate in the central-south region of Taiwan, including unpolluted or mildly polluted shallow rivers. These algae are highly abundant, especially Cladophora and Spirogyra is the most abundant. In the paper, the Cladophora and Spirogyra algae, obtained from the same habitate under similar physical and chemical conditions, allowed us to compare the epiphytic algae between the two different host algae. Including algal assemblage; algal species; algal count; and calculated Menhinick; Margale; Shannon-Weaver; Simpson; McIntosh; Equitability; Shannon-Weaver Equitability et al. ecological index. This study demonstrates a strong effect of host algal genera on the development of epiphytic algae. Algal epiphytic71 taxa was observed on Cladophora; the mean of algal count is 572.8(116.5~1733.8) ; the mean of Menhinick is 1.44(0.67~3.44); the mean of Margalef is 4.34(2.58~8.87); the mean of Shannon-Weaver is 0.33(0.16~0.45); the mean of Simpson is 0.98(0.95~1); the mean of McIntosh is 0.89(0.83~0.97); the mean of Equitability is 75.4%(36%~100%); the mean of Shannon-Weaver Equitability is 0.087(0.05~0.12). Algal epiphytic15 taxa was observed on Spirogyra; the mean of algal count is 64.5(16.5~193.5); the mean of Menhinick is 0.87(0.34~1.4); the mean of Margalef is 1.95(0.92~2.97); the mean of Shannon-Weaver is 0.31(0.13~0.49); the mean of Simpson is 0.99(0.97~1); the mean of McIntosh is 0.9(0.77~0.98); the mean of Equitability is 67.7%(27.4%~100%); the mean of Shannon-Weaver Equitability is 0.1(0.08~0.13).


Cladophora Spirogyra epiphytic algae


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