  • 學位論文


Discussion about Sorcerer’s Shape , Image and the Creation of the Role Shape

指導教授 : 黃雅玲
共同指導教授 : 鄧偉炘(Wei-Hsin Teng)


有關巫師(或魔法師)的故事自古即有,從希臘神話、中古傳說、童話、電玩、動畫與電影中經常有巫師現身,因各地及時代價值觀的差異,促成巫師外形的千變萬化。巫師同時具有大世界觀點的「象徵系統」(system of representation),跨及人類與超自然力量的微妙關係。   一般形象認為巫師多能使用魔法,穿著奇特裝扮的長袍,頭戴著巫師帽,手持具有法力的魔杖。但在歷史文獻與圖像記載中,有更多異於傳統巫師的造形或形象,許多巫師結合各種生物形態、擁有法力、兼任神職或有著浪漫的愛情故事,搭配善惡意念穿梭在人間。本文藉由世界著名的巫師作品或文獻案例,分析歸納造形與形象的種類及所反映的造形演變關係,並提出如何明確定義巫師角色造形的特徵值,當中包含:服裝外觀、裝備種類、角色形像、造形運用,之後再導入作品創作中,並透過電腦繪圖軟體創作出獨特的巫師造形,作為成品的展示呈現,讓巫師造形表現上有較系統的詮釋。


巫師 形象 造形 演變史 角色


The sorcerer (or magician), the story comes from Greek mythology, fables, fairy tales, computer games, animation and movies. The sorcerer's appearance continues to evolve, due to different places and eras. The sorcerer has the human world's system of representation, possessing the power across the human and the supernatural world   It is generally considered that the sorcerer mostly can use magic, they have long gowns, sorcerer hats, and magic wands. However, in historical documents, the sorcerer has many different forms or appearances, the sorcerer may turn into animal forms, have supernatural power, involving elements of priesthood or romantic stories, and they have good and evil thoughts when living in the world. This article collects world-famous works or literature on sorcerers, and analyses the form and the appearance types as well as the evolution of their appearances, and propose a new form for sorcerers and provide explanation for doing so. In addition it will clearly define the special characteristics of the sorcerer's appearance, for example wearing sorcerer's hat, carry magical staffs and magical wands, use magic balls, wear sorcerer robes, capes and Wizard hats, and use magic. This allows readers to gain a more systematic description of the appearance of sorcerers.


Sorcerer Form Image Evolution History Figure /Character


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6. 蔡淑芬/著(2004)。〈超越魔法的迷思:論《地海巫師》系列中的巫術、道家哲學與生態意識 〉。《東華人文學報》,2004卷6期,223-253。
8. 胡台麗、劉璧榛(2007)。《臺灣原住民巫師與儀式展演》(頁44-90)。臺北:中央研究院民族學研究所。
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8. 李中文(譯)(2005)。《巫師與巫術:神秘的巫術、咒語、儀式大揭秘》。臺北市:晨星出版社。(沃夫剛•貝林格 Wolfgang Behringer, 2005)
