  • 學位論文


Effects of EPA and DHA Diets on Behavior Performance under Forced Swimming Test Model During Lactation and Neonatal Period

指導教授 : 謝明哲
共同指導教授 : 黃士懿


本研究的目的在探討母鼠於哺乳期分別餵食富含二十碳五烯酸(eicosapentaenoic acid;EPA;20:5 n3)及二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexaenoic acid;DHA;22:6 n3)的飲食,對於母鼠及其幼鼠在生理壓力下於強迫游水試驗中行為表現之影響。進一步探討子代在相同飲食介入下,於強迫游水試驗中之行為表現並評估EPA及DHA介入後何者對於生理壓力下之改善效果較顯著。實驗分成三組,飲食中油脂分別以大豆油、EPA及DHA取代。在母鼠生產後給予介入飲食,至幼鼠21天斷奶後,將母鼠進行強迫游水試驗並犧牲,且由幼鼠中隨機挑選部分公鼠進行強迫游水試驗並犧牲。其餘公幼鼠給予與母鼠相同之飲食持續四週,四週後進行強迫游水試驗並犧牲。分析強迫游水試驗之行為表現並採集血液及腦部組織進行脂肪酸分析。 結果發現在強迫游水試驗之行為分析方面,母鼠在經過三週哺乳期飲食介入後,給予富含EPA飲食的母鼠其靜止期顯著低於其他兩組。且在其子代中,斷奶後或經自行攝食後,皆有相同的結果。且在脂肪酸分析方面,血漿中C20:5及腦部前額葉皮質之C22:5與靜止期呈負相關,因此給予富含EPA的飲食,可以減少其類似憂鬱症之行為表現。而腦部前額葉皮質之C22:5與劇烈掙扎期呈正相關;血漿中C20:5與小動作游水期呈正相關,在富含EPA的飲食介入下,C20:5及C22:5在血液及腦中皆有顯著變化,因此富含EPA的飲食可以增加其抵抗憂鬱的行為表現。但DHA組並不具有這樣的效果。 本研究中發現,母鼠經過懷孕及哺乳的生理壓力下,在哺乳期給予富含EPA之飲食可減短其強迫游水試驗中之靜止期。且其幼鼠無論是由母乳中攝取或自行由飲食中攝取,其強迫游水試驗中之靜止期亦較短。且會增加其抵抗憂鬱之行為表現。而在DHA的組別中,在壓力下其行為表現未有改善的效果。是否意味著EPA和DHA在分子機制上扮演不同的角色還需要更進一步的研究。


In this study aimed to assess the effects of eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) diets on behavior during lactation and neonatal period in rats. Also assess that EPA or DHA which have more improvement in physical stress. Sprague-Dawley mother rats were subjected to a diet rich in soy oil, EPA-rich oil or DHA-rich oil during lactation period. After lactation period, mother rats and some male rat pups were tested in the forced swimming test (FST) and determined the lipid composition in plasma, erythrocyte and prefrontal cortex. Other male rat pups were subjected to a diet as same as mother rats for 4 weeks. Behavior performance on the FST and the fatty acid profile selected tissues were determined. The results of the forced swimming test showed that the EPA group had a significantly shorter immobile time than other two groups. And the male rat pups had the similar results both in ablactation and after diet intervention. And the immobile time is negative correlation with the fatty acid profile in plasma C20:5 and prefrontal cortex C22:5. The EPA-rich diet might be impairing the depression-like behavior under the physical stress, but not DHA-rich diet. In the results of the fatty acid profile, the prefrontal cortex C22:5 is positive correlation with struggle times and the plasma C20:5 is positive correlation with swim times. In the EPA group, C20:5 and C22:5 are significant changed in blood or prefrontal cortex. The EPA-rich diet might be improving the antidepression-like behaviors under the physical stress. According to these data, it seems imply the various molecular roles of EPA and DHA under pregnancy stress. These observations demonstrate that EPA-rich diet, but not DHA-rich diet, could impair the immobile times and improve the struggle and swim times under physical stress during pregnancy and lactation in mother rats. A similar effect presented in male rat pups both in ablactation and after diet intervention.


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