  • 學位論文


Research on Risk Factors of Occupational Injury among Indigenous Workers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳叡瑜


臺灣原住民族人口約計49萬多人,占總人口2.14%。依勞委會勞工安全衛生研究所(以下簡稱勞研所)研究統計,原住民勞工十大死因第一位為事故傷害,且為全國勞工的2.2倍,有別於全國勞工之惡性腫瘤,事故傷害除了交通事故外,職業傷害也是一個重要原因。在勞委會近年來推動降災的具體成效上,原住民勞工不論是職災死亡、殘廢及死亡千人率均較全國勞工為高。鑑於國內過去對原住民勞工職業傷害原因的探討較少,且多為橫斷性研究,特進行本研究。 本研究為Cohort study,主要探討職業傷害的發生與工作狀況間的相關性,及人口學變項、健康狀態及行為對工作狀況與職業傷害相關性的影響。將勞研所之原住民職業傷病監視系統與健康資料庫之94年原住民勞保身份檔,串連原民會之原住民人力資料庫問卷調查檔,找出有勞保有問卷之原住民勞工,再串連95-97年勞保局職災現金給付檔,將沒有發生職災者為對照組、有發生職災者為個案組。 研究結果發現不良工作狀況是職業傷害重要危險因子,從事水電燃氣業、營造業、製造業、運輸倉儲通信業較公共行政業有較高的職業傷害發生風險;自認暴露高危險性工作如物體倒塌或飛落、夾捲傷、切割擦傷、觸電及燒燙傷有較高職業傷害發生危險性;小企業(員工數小於50人)員工有較高職業傷害發生危險性;需要使用防護具相較不需要使用防護具者有較高職業傷害發生風險。基本人口學的部份為男性、年長者及教育程度低會增加職業傷害發生的危險性,健康狀態及行為則以吸菸、喝酒、嚼檳榔習慣會增加職業傷害發生的風險。 為能有效降低原住民勞工職業傷害發生,建議政府部門在有限人力下,結合民間組織資源,針對高危險縣市之中小企業及行業如營造業等加強擴大勞動檢查,提高雇主做好提供勞工安全健康工作環境的責任外,亦能跨部會合作及資源整合共同進行職災預防宣導。另建請教育部加強國小及國中之職災預防教育課程。本研究雖觀察年很短但仍可看出職業傷害危險因子之關聯性,可作為相關研究或政策施行時的參考。建議政府部門能持續定期進行此全面性問卷調查,利於未來追蹤研究。


There were around 490,000 indienous peoples living in Taiwan. Indigenous peoples comprise around 2% of the total Taiwanese population. According to the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan statistics, the accidental injury rate in indigenous workers is 2.2 times above the rate of total workers in Taiwan. The occupational injuries is one of the main causes of the accidental injuries. Recently, Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan had been significant reduce occupational deaths and injuries, but it had not improved for indigenous workers. There were few researches focused on risk factors of occupational injury among indigenous workers in Taiwan. And most of the earlier studies were cross-sectional studies. This is a cohort study. The aim was to explore the relation between occupational factors and occupational injuries among Indigenous people in Taiwan. We also examine the relationship among individual characteristics, health behaviors, occupational safety and health management and occupational injuries. The database was provided from occupational injuries and disease surveillance system by Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan , and indigenous peoples survey by Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan. We divided subjects into two groups, one was case group (occupational injuries) and the other was control group (no occupational injuries) in this study. The results showed that occupation is the important risk factor, workers working in the industries of electricity, gas and water, construction, manufacturing, transport, storage and communication have more occupational injury risks than public administration. Other risk factors include working in small enterprises ,workers who needed personal protectice equipments, individual variable such as male, older age and lower education have higher occupational injury risk. Personal behaviors such as smoking, drinking, chewing betel nut also play important role for higher occupational injuryies. It’s suggested that the Government should emphasize on inspection and education with indigenous residents, especially for the enterprises and counties which have high occupational injury rate. It’s also recommended that cross-sectoral approaches to strengthen the information and knowledge about occupational injury prevention for indigenous workers. Furthermore, Ministry of Education should bring occupational safety and health knowledge into primary and junior school to strengthen the cognition before employment. The correlation between the occupational injuries and risk factors can still be seen in this research and can be used as a reference for relevant research or policy execution. Moreover, it’s suggested that the Government can periodically renew the indigenous survey database.


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