  • 學位論文

臺北醫學大學保健營養學系學生的HIV/AIDS知識、態度、行為 與其相關因素

HIV/AIDS Knowledge, Attitude and Practices among Students in School of Nutrition & Health, Taipei Medical University and Their associated factors

指導教授 : 蘭淑貞


背景: 隨著台灣HIV/AIDS患者越來越多,其醫療需求也跟著增加。HIV/AIDS患者的醫療照護,不只結合醫師、護理師,營養師也扮演這重要的角色。而營養師其養成教育與在職訓練,更是關係著日後這類患者照護品質。然而台灣自過去到現在,針對大專院校其營養與HIV/AIDS 知識(knowledge, K)、態度(attitude, A)、行為(practices, P) 的研究甚少。 目的: 探討北醫保健營養系學生包括大學部與研究生的HIV/AIDS KAP;學生有那些特質會影響KAP? HIV/AIDS KAP之間是否具有相關性;HIV/AIDS KAP的預測因子;以及HIV/AIDS K相關訊息主要的來源。 受試者與方法: 本研究為描述型研究,採自填式問卷收集研究資料。研究工具(即問卷)包含學生個人基本資料(學生之特質等)與HIV/AIDS KAP之各量表。總共收集332份問卷,包含北醫保健營養系碩士班與碩士在職專班51位;大學部4年級87位;三年級61位;二年級51位與一年級82位。 結果: 258位 (78%)受試者為女性,年齡平均20.09±3.37歲。HIV/AIDS知識、態度與行為平均分數分別為14.3±3.6、94±7.9與105.7±15.6分 (KAP滿分分別為25, 125與145分)。HIV/AIDS K資訊最主要的來源為網路。HIV/AIDS K影響因素為系級 、年齡 、曾選修過膳食療養學、營養學或營養與免疫、對「愛滋病營養學」感興趣、如果開「愛滋病營養學」會選修及曾在醫院實習。HIV/AIDS A 影響因素為系級、年齡、對「愛滋病營養學」感興趣、開「愛滋病營養學」之課程會選修?及曾在醫院實習 。HIV/AIDS P影響因素為對「愛滋病營養學」感興趣、如果開「愛滋病營養學」會選修它、未來想當營養師。HIV/AIDS K與P、A與P之間呈顯著正相關性。預測因子部分,HIV/AIDS K為曾在醫院實習與 HIV/AIDS行為 (R2 = 0.108, F = 15.95 , P = 0.000 ); HIV/AIDS A為HIV/AIDS P、對「愛滋病營養學」感興趣 與系級 (R2 = 0.425, F = 82.406 , P = 0.000 ); HIV/AID P為HIV/AIDS A、如果開「愛滋病營養學」會選修及HIV/AIDS K (R2 = 0.425, F = 82.684 , P = 0.000 )。 結論: 受試者的HIV/AIDS K尚需加強,對「愛滋病營養學」感興趣與如果開「愛滋病營養學」會選修同時為HIV/AIDS KAP之影響因素。K與A皆與P呈現顯著正相關。曾在醫院實習、對「愛滋病營養學」感興趣且會選修相關課程為HIV/AIDS KAP重要預測因子。


Background: People with HIV/AIDS have been increasing in Taiwan, thus medical care demand is increasing. Their medical care are not only provided by physicians, nurses, etc, but also by dietitians. Dietitian may provide effective nutrition education counseling, and care to patients with HIV/AIDS patients. In Taiwan, seldom researches have been conducted on nutrion and HIV/AIDS knowledge, attitude, practices of students who majored in nutrition in colleges or universities. Purpose: This study was to investigate HIV/AIDS KAP of students in School of Nutrition & Health in Taipei Medical University, including undergraduate and master students; If any selected students’ characteristics affects HIV/AIDS KAP. Correlations of HIV/AIDS KAP were to be analyzed. If various factors were associated with of HIV/AIDS KAP, and the major sources of HIV/AIDS Information were to be determined. Subjects and method: This is the cross-section study. The necessary data for the study were collected by a questionnaire to be filled in by students anonymously including demographic data, the major sources of HIV/AIDS information, and scales of HIV/AIDS KAP. A total of 322 students completed questionnaires including 51 master and part-time masterstudents, 87, 61, 51 and 82 of university fourth, third, second, and first year’s students. Statistical analyses of data included descriptive Statistics, t-tests, one-way ANOVA with Scheffe post hoc test, Pearson’s moment correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis. All analyses employed SPSS, version 19. Results: A total of 322 students (73%) completed questionnaires including 258 females (78%). The mean scores of HIV/AIDS K, A and P were 14.3 ± 3.6, 94 ± 7.9, 105.7 ± 15.6 points (full scores were 25, 125, and 145 points, respectively). The main source of HIV/AIDS information was internet (66%). School year , age , courses have taken including Therapeutic nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition & immunology, if interested in “AIDS and Nutrition”, If “AIDS Nutrition” course is offered , will you take it? and whether taking internship in a hospital were association K. School year age , if interested in “AIDS and Nutrition”? , if “AIDS Nutrition” is offered , will you take it? and whether have taken internship in a hospital were association A. If interested in“AIDS and Nutrition”, If “AIDS Nutrition” course is offered , will you take it? and whether to be a dietitian in the future? were association P. K and A, K and P, and A and P were positively correlated ( r = 0.157, P =0.004 ; r = 0.649, P =0.000 ). Stepwise regression analysis indicated students who took internship in a hospital and P were K’s predictors (R2 = 0.115, F = 15.95 , P = 0.000 ); A, age and those interested in“AIDS and Nutrition ”were A predictors (R2 =0.424 , F =80.176 , P = 0.00 ); A, If“AIDS Nutrition”course is offered , will you take it? and K were P predictors (R2 = 0.431, F = 82.685 , P = 0.000 )。 Conclusions: Subjects’ HIV/AIDS K was not adequate and those who were interested in “AIDS and Nutrition” and would take it were association KAP. K and A were positively correlated with P. Subjects who took internship, were interested in AIDS and Nutrition or would take it were KAP’s important predictors.


HIV AIDS knowledge attitude practices


Geneva: World Health Organization
丁志音、涂醒哲 (2004) 傳染病照護的選擇性歧視:醫師及牙醫師的愛滋病專業倫理觀與照護意願。臺灣公共衛生 23:45-58。
滋病知識與求知相關之意願。中華民國營養學會雜誌 23:57-69。


范巧榕(2016)。台北某醫學大學護理學系學生人類免疫缺乏病毒暨愛滋病 知識、態度、行為與其相關因素〔博士論文,臺北醫學大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0007-2707201617204800
