  • 學位論文


Enhance the Knowledge of Preventive Medicine: Design and Evaluation the Encyclopedia of the Medicine Health Education System

指導教授 : 邱泓文
共同指導教授 : 徐建業


在資訊膨脹的E世代,網路上似是而非的知識充斥,與切身健康相關的資訊其來源及準確性就相當值得關注。本研究,基於現今環境需求所促使,規劃設計一套目的為提升預防醫學觀念之「實用醫學衛教百科資料庫系統」,採用原創性的架構概念,開發符合民眾及專業需求的資料庫。資料庫內容主要分成學術文獻、藥物資源、食品資料及醫療器材等四大部分,架構上再加上首頁檢索功能、延伸資源及個人化加值功能。內容字庫預計邀請各科臨床專家撰寫編錄之外,將輔以友善的使用者介面及多元載具下載,並規劃支援線上及離線閱讀服務,提供使用者突破時間空間及網路環境限制的數位學習體驗。 本論文採半結構性問卷並與四位專家進行深入訪談,問卷計分採用李克特式量表(Likert-type Scale)5分計分法,共分成三個面向進行探討:結構面、內容面、效益面。 結果顯示:架構面平均得分4.06分;內容面平均得分3.94分;效益面平均得分4.56分。採用統計軟體SPSS進行問卷檢測信度分析,架構面α信度係數.610、內容面α信度係數.816、效益面α信度係數.899,結果符合問卷信度要求。從研究結果獲得以下結論,專家們對於本研究資料庫之設計架構、內容需求及未來效益均有高度正面評價,詳加利用深入訪談得到的專家建議將讓本研究之資料庫系統內容設計得以更加完備,期待能滿足臨床醫療人員專業取用的目的,同時也能成為一般民眾所信賴的衛教知識來源。


In the age of information explosion, more and more information are posted on the Internet without further evidence. Developing a health education system for enhance the knowledge of preventive medicine is our first priority in this study. Using original architectural concepts developed a database for the needs of the general public and specialist. The content in the Database is divided into four major parts: academic literature, medicine resources, food and medical equipment, and other data. The Database also features the architecture plus Home Search function, extending resources and personalized configuration. The Database is expected to invite experts to contribute, either compose or edit the content. It will be supported by user-friendly interface; multi-carrier download, and planning support online and offline reading services to provide all users to use in all kinds of environment. I adopt semi-structured questionnaire and use in-depth interviews with four experts. This survey was a study using a named questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale. The questionnaire consisted of three dimensions of satisfaction measures. And they were adopted and analyzed through the SPSS 22.0. The results of the research are as follows: Structure surface- mean score of 4.06、Cronbach's coefficient alpha( α ) =.610; Content surface: mean score of 3.94、Cronbach's coefficient alpha( α ) =.816; Benefit surface: mean score of 4.56、Cronbach's coefficient alpha( α ) =.899. This finding shows that they give the system a high degree of affirmative. We proposed to design and evaluate the "Encyclopedia of Medical Health Education System" not only for the professional physicians to use but also for common people to trust.


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