  • 學位論文


Between masculinity and femininity- The performances of masculinities of female superintendents in junior high schools

指導教授 : 陳美華


本文以國中女性訓導人員為對象,描繪她們的工作與陽剛氣質的展現,析論工作、陽剛氣質的展現、與性別認同的綿密關係。採用訪談及參與觀察,共訪問九位女訓導,四位男訓導,觀察三所學校,另外還蒐集報紙二手資料,得到以下的發現: 訓導工作負責校園安全與秩序的維護,為了有效掌控學生,達到規訓的目的,首重高壓支配,使得它在學校環境中陽剛色彩特別濃厚,理想的訓導人員是有性別預設的,男性才是最佳人選,這樣的預設與學生的妖魔化及性別區隔的意識型態有密切關係,影響所致,訓導工作被性別化,女性被拒於此職場門檻之外。隨著工作的難度與複雜性與日俱增,男性排斥進入,女性得以被拔擢進入,但前提是她必須儘可能符合陽剛,意即要夠兇悍或有體育的背景。弔詭的是,即使陽剛是這個工作的專業所在,女性因能夠陽剛被任用,其陽剛展演在這個職場裡卻是被貶抑的,不是被詮釋為失控,就是不稱職,男性的陽剛展演才是原型。關鍵在於妳的性別,根本就不認可女性的陽剛,職業性別隔離的意識型態難以撼動。 從去女性化的外表到情緒的操控到暴力的言行舉止,女訓導的展演,以及透過她們的教導所建立的校園性別秩序,正是霸權陽剛的樣板,持續維繫男支配女臣服的性別關係,鞏固異性戀霸權的運作。展現陽剛的過程中,我們看到女訓導的能動性,她們並非全然地順從並複製父權社會底下傳統的霸權式陽剛,而是將社會所建構之女性特質融入,高壓與懷柔雙管齊下,呈現新的、另一種樣貌的陽剛-照護陽剛。由於陽剛與女性的矛盾與衝突,女性必須面對因工作所帶來的對自身性別認同的影響,她們發展出不同的因應策略來理解她們的工作認同。有人對職場的表演過於投入以致於情感耗盡,更殷切私領域的陰柔展演;有人則是努力地去構築並維護這道區隔工作認同與自我認同的牆,也有人是根本演不來陽剛,索性做自己較自在。女訓導的自我在兩者間的轉變說明人們的認同往往是流動的、多重的。 女訓導進入這個男性主導的工作場域,遭受到被花瓶化、被保護、排斥、性騷擾等歧視與差別待遇,這些不平等待遇都源自於性別區隔的意識型態。雖然在工作上,女訓導可以挪用父兄、母姐的角色,穿梭其間,肆意展演陽剛與陰柔,但在私領域卻仍舊得服膺男主外女主內的規範,擔負家務責任,面臨家庭與工作蠟燭兩頭燒的困窘,而男性卻可以輕鬆擺脫家庭的包袱,無後顧之憂。


陽剛 訓導 做性別 情緒勞動


The thesis aims to analyze the relation of job, masculinity and gender identity. I interviewed 9 female superintendents and 4 male superintendents and conducted observation in three junior high schools. In addition, I also collected second-hand data from newspapers to see how superintendents are constructed in media. The major findings of this research are as followed. The core issue of the superintendents’ job is to maintain the safety and order on campus. To control students efficiently and achieve the purpose of discipline, coercive domination is emphasized in this profession. Comparing to some other jobs in the school, it is full of masculinity. Therefore, an ideal superintendent is usually male, which is closely related to the social representation of evilization of students and the ideology that segregates sexes. As a result, discipline becomes a gendered job and females are not allowed to enter this profession. Women are only accepted when their male colleagues don’t want this job. In other words, more women occupied this profession does not mean that the ideology of sex segregated job is deconstructed. Moreover, females who can get the job are expected to be as masculine as possible, which means she is fierce or has the background of physical education. What is ambivalent is that those masculinities performed by female superintendents are usually unvalued; for example, these female superintendents’ masculine performances, in their male colleagues’ eyes, are either unqualified or too-violent. Hence, the key issue is gender; i.e. female masculinity is not allowed at all. Female superintendents reproduce hegemonic masculinity, which maintains male-dominated and female-subordinated relationship and consolidates heterosexual hegemony, in schools by using emotional control, performing violence, and dressing in a de-feminized style. However, I see female superintendents’ agency in their daily performance of masculinities. They don’t conform to and reproduce hegemonic masculinity, but present it in a new way- caring masculinity which conveys male-dominance but in a feminine way. Due to work plays an important role in shaping people’s identity, these female superintendents also need to deal with their gender identity and work identity. Some of them are so engaged in the performance in the workplace that they burn out, and thus they prefer to performing femininity in private sphere. Others make efforts to construct and defend the boundary between working self and non-working self. Still some others can’t perform masculinity at all so they make themselves comfortable by being themselves. Female superintendents’ self-transformation demonstrates people’s identities are fluid and diverse. When female superintendents go into the male-dominated workplace, they are often subjected to many unequal treatments such as being treated as ornaments, being protected, being excluded and sexual harassment. All these discriminations originate from sex-segregated ideology. In the workplace, though female superintendents can perform masculinity and femininity at their own will, in the private sphere, they still submit to the norm that the male belongs to the public sphere and the female belongs to private sphere and that females are responsible for the domestic labor. They fall into the dilemma of looking after family and job at the same time; on the contrary, males can get rid of the family load easily.


masculinity discipline doing gender emotional labor




