  • 學位論文


Association between Dietary Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium Intake and Dietary Ca/P Ratio and Caries Status among Elementary School Children

指導教授 : 楊奕馨


背景: 齲齒是國小學童最常見的口腔慢性疾病。過去研究顯示礦物質鈣和磷及飲食攝取之鈣磷比,與齲齒經驗有關連性。然而目前營養素與齲齒之間相關性的文獻尚無明確定論,國內關於營養素的攝取與學童齲齒之間的研究資料仍有限,因此探討鈣、磷、鎂以及鈣磷比之攝取與國小學童齲齒間的關連性為重要課題。 研究目的: 本研究藉由全國營養健康調查資料,針對台灣地區國小學童分析其飲食中攝取鈣、磷、鎂以及鈣磷比與混合齒列齲齒之相關性探討。 研究方法: 本研究使用民國90-91年度「台灣地區第四次全國營養健康調查」之資料;共有2248位年齡介於6到12歲學童完成問卷調查和口腔檢查,其中包含了1196位男童以及1052位女童。此次調查採「分層多段隨機集束抽樣」法;口腔檢查是由三位受過口檢一致性訓練之牙醫師來執行(經過三次校正篩檢之後,其全口齲齒盛行率的 kappa 值為0.80到0.83)。其齲齒狀況則分別以恆牙齲齒指數DMFT index與乳牙齲齒指數deft index做為齲齒記錄。在問卷方陎是由受過訓練之訪員同時與學童及其家長進行家庭訪視;藉由24小時飲食回憶記錄得到學童每日鈣、磷、鎂攝取量,並且以飲食頻率問卷取得學童近一個月以來其甜食與含糖飲料之每週攝取次數。 結果: 研究中依照行政院衛生署於民國91年所公布之國人膳食營養素參考攝取量(Dietary Reference Intakes,DRIs),將學童鈣、磷、鎂之攝取二分為足夠與不足夠兩組進行運算分析。結果顯示,每日攝取足夠鈣之學童比每日攝取鈣不足之學童有較低風險得到4顆以上乳牙齲齒指數 (OR=0.65, 95% CI=0.46-0.92, p=0.0152),以及1-3顆恆牙齲齒指數 (OR = 0.65, 95% CI =0.48-0.89, p = 0.0073)。每日攝取足夠鈣和磷之學童其鈣磷比相較於每日攝取不足之學童有較低風險得到4顆以上乳牙齲齒指數 (OR = 0.41, 95% CI =0.24-0.70, p = 0.0013),和 1-3顆恆牙齲齒指數 (OR = 0.47, 95% CI =0.30-0.75, p = 0.0016),以及較低之機率得到4顆以上恆牙齲齒指數 (OR = 0.52, 95% CI =0.32-0.86, p = 0.0111)。 結論: 台灣國小學童鈣、磷、鎂攝取與齲齒生成之關連性當中,以鈣之攝取與學童齲齒間的相關性最為顯著;磷之攝取與齲齒間關聯性相較 之下則顯得較為薄弱;在鎂攝取方陎,經過調整干擾因子之後並未發現有任何顯著性相關性存在。而鈣磷比對於學童齲齒生成之影響比鈣、磷分別獨立對齲齒形成之相關來得更為顯著。


齲齒 國小學童 鈣磷比


Background: Nutritional factors are generally associated with several systemic diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, most cancers, as well as oral diseases. Dental caries has been the most common chronic oral disease in school children. Some epidemiological studies have revealed that subjects with relatively high calcium and phosphate in their plaque experience a correspondingly lower presence of caries. An investigation indicated that dietary calcium-phosphorus (Ca/P) ratio was strongly associated with caries development in human teeth. The purpose of this research was to investigate the associations among caries experience and intakes of Ca, P, Mg, Ca/P ratio, snacks and beverages in a cross-sectional study of elementary school children. Study objectives: Dental caries has been the most common chronic oral disease in school children. The micronutrient intake is one of the important factors related to caries development. This cross-sectional study used the database of the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan Elementary School Children 2001-2002 (NAHSIT Children 2001-2002) to investigate the associations among caries experience and daily intake of Ca, P, Mg and Ca/P ratio of school children. Methods : A total of 2248 school children (1196 boys and 1052 girls) aged 6-12 years were randomly selected based on the “probabilities proportional to sizes” (PPS) approach. Each participant received a dental examination and the caries status was recorded by a dentist. Food frequency data and 24-hour dietary recalls were collected by trained interviewers during a household questionnaire interview. Results: The daily intake of minerals was dichotomized into 2 groups according to the Taiwanese Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). The daily intake of sufficient Ca was significantly associated with lower risk of deft index above 4 (OR=0.65, 95% CI=0.46-0.92, p=0.0152) and DMFT index 1-3 (OR = 0.65, 95% CI =0.48-0.89, p = 0.0073). It was found that Ca/P ratio proved to be a significant predictor for school children with deft index above 4 (OR = 0.41, 95% CI =0.24-0.70, p = 0.0013), DMFT index from 1-3 (OR = 0.47, 95% CI =0.30-0.75, p = 0.0016), and DMFT index above 4 (OR = 0.52, 95% CI =0.32-0.86, p = 0.0111). Conclusion: Daily Ca intake plays the most effective role in prevention of school children caries between daily Ca, P and Mg intake, and the dietary Ca/P ratio seems more important than Ca and P separately in dental caries of school children.


dental caries school children Ca P Mg Ca/P ratio


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