  • 學位論文


Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine among Children Diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum disorder or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 楊品珍


本研究旨在探討台灣罹患自閉症候群或注意力不足過動症此兩大神經發展疾患的兒童使用輔助與替代療法的現況。研究方法主要採用問卷調查法,對診斷為自閉症候群或注意力不足過動症的孩童在高雄醫學大學附設醫院以及高雄市自閉症協進會收案,主要研究工具為研究團隊編制的「輔助與替代療法之調查研究問卷」。使用立意取樣的方式邀請孩童的主要照顧者填寫問卷。總共發出問卷421份,回收317份,回收率為75.3%,去除超過18歲後的樣本,總共剩下280份進入分析。資料處理採用的統計分析方法,包含百分比、T檢定和卡方檢定。 研究結果顯示:(1)使用輔助與替代療法的傾向上,自閉症候群的家長高於注意力不足過動症的家長。(2)自閉症候群和注意力不足過動症家長讓其孩子在使用輔助與替代療法種類的選擇上會有所不同。(3)自閉症候群與注意力不足過動症家長讓其孩子使用輔助與替代療法的理由不同。(4)自閉症候群與注意力不足過動症家長取得輔助與替代療法的資訊管道來源不同。 根據上述研究發現大部分傾向使用容易取得的「生物為基礎做法」(biologically based practice)家長的資訊來源大多來自於非醫療相關人士,使得輔助與替代療法使用的安全性上缺乏嚴格的把關者。自閉症候群和注意力不足過動症兒童有相當高比率會去使用到輔助與替代療法,醫療保健提供者應和家長討論輔助與替代療法的使用與危險性。


The purpose of the present study was to explore the status of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) used among Taiwanese children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD). We applied a questionnaire complid by our research team to survey the various CAM treatments, the reasons and information sources of obtaining CAM for parents. The participants were parents of children diagnosd with ASD or AD/HD as recruitd from the Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital and Kaohsiung Autism Association. We invited primary caregivers to complete the questionnaire by using purposeful sampling method. A total 421 of copies of questionnaire were sent and 371 ons were retrived with return ratio of 75.3%. After leaving samples of over 18 aside, 280 questionnaires were analyzed. Percentage, T test and Chi-square test are adopted as statistical analysis methods to compare the two groups of parental replies. The analytical results showed that: (1) Parents of ASD children adoptd more CAM treatment than parents of AD/HD children, (2) The three top preferred choices also differed between group, (3) Reasons for choosing CAM for their children was reported to be different between groups, (4) Source of obtaining CAM knowledge was different between parents of ASD and parnts of AD/HD. Conventional health care providers should be aware of the high prevalence of use among children with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as AD/HD and ASD, and be prepared to discuss the issue of CAM usage with families.


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