  • 學位論文

牙周補綴臨床病例報告集 以種植體固定義齒在二級異常咬合及牙周補綴治療的應用為代表

Periodontal-Prosthetic cases report -Represented by a case of dental implant in full mouth rehabilitation of patient with class II malocclusion and chronic periodontitis

指導教授 : 蔡吉政


中文摘要 牙周補綴學是一跨學科整合性的牙科治療學科。其研究重心不僅在研究牙周疾病、治療及控制牙周疾病,並藉由根管、矯正、咬合、種植體與赝復補綴等學科的輔助以解決牙周疾病侵犯所造成的缺牙、牙齒動搖、病理性移位、咬合塌陷等併發症,治療目標不僅需穩定牙齒及周邊支持組織,也要同時提供患者功能(咀嚼、發音)與美觀之長期需求。 本病例論文集總共提出十一個牙周補綴病例,其中女性佔十例,男性一例,病例年齡分佈於39歲至76歲,平均年齡57歲。治療方式乃針對病例之主訴、補綴前之牙周需求及基於證據醫學之牙周病治療原則等,分別進行各式牙周手術,以及種植體手術;各病例按照問題特性合併進行矯正治療及不同程度的咬合重建,最後完成不同型式的義齒赝復。總計完成全口重建六例,單顎重建二例,局部重建三例。治療時間由3個月至30個月26天,平均療程為16個月23天。 關鍵語:牙周補綴、牙周治療、牙周手術、種植體手術、全口重建。


Abstract Periodontal prosthodontics is interdisciplinary and integrates dental perspective treatment. The main objective is not only in research and treatment of periodontal diseases, but also involving endodontic, orthodontic, prosthodontic, implantology, restorative and occlusal rehabilitation - ect. A perio-prosthodontic treatment is needed for patient with advanced periodontal disease that has problems including missing/ mobile/ pathological migration teeth, collapse of occlusion and other complications. Treatment goals are not only to stabilize teeth and periodontal tissue but also to fulfill the long-term satisfaction of function and esthetic demands of periodontal patients. This thesis includes 11 representative periodontal prosthetic cases. 10 females and 1 male. Treatment endeavors patients' chief complaints and needs for prosthetic reconstruction according to the principles of evidence-based medicine. Orthodontic treatment, implant surgery and occlusal rehabilitation were incorporated in the treatment depending on patient's need. In all, 6 patients had full mouth rehabilitation, 2 patients had full arch prosthetic reconstruction and the rest of 3 had partial surgical treatment and reconstruction. The average treatment time was 16 months. Key words:periodontal prosthesis, full mouth rehabilitation, periodontal therapy, implant surgery.


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