  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Climacteric Symptoms, Menopause Attitude, Job Stress, and Health Status of Teachers in the Elementary School.

指導教授 : 洪志秀


本研究目的在探討國小教師更年期症狀、更年期態度、工作壓力及其健康狀況的現況,及健康狀況的重要預測因子。採用橫斷式研究設計,以高雄市市立國小之45歲以上女性教師為母群體,採集束抽樣完成有效問卷254份。研究工具為結構式問卷,包括:(1)個案基本資料表、(2)更年期症狀量表、(3)更年期態度量表、(4)國小教師工作壓力量表、(5)SF-36一般健康量表,所得研究資料以SPSS 12.0統計套裝軟體進行t檢定、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及逐步複回歸分析,主要的研究結果發現: 一、研究對象的更年期症狀標準化得分為16.25。以「肌肉、關節痛」得分最高,而「常想哭」得分最低。 二、更年期態度標準化得分為64.64,以「清潔的-骯髒的」得分最高,「主動的-被動的」得分最低。 三、工作壓力標準化得分為50.86,以「工作負荷」面向壓力最高,「專業發展」面向壓力為最低。 四、自覺健康狀態標準化得分為73.21,「身體疼痛」最佳,「一般健康狀態」最差。 五、年齡、更年期態度與自覺健康狀況成正相關,更年期症狀、工作壓力與自覺健康狀況呈現負相關。 六、年齡、更年期症狀、更年期態度及工作壓力為自覺健康狀況的重要預測因子,整體可解釋的變異量為48.8%。 本研究結果可為學校衛生護理人員在推動健康照護計畫的參考,在推行健康活動時,可加強此一面向的健康行為的指導,在進行教師健康評估時可透過這些因素的評估來發現健康狀況不佳的高危險群,並針對更年期相關的保健知識提供多面的諮詢及轉介服務,同時並可作為為來進行介入性措施研究的基礎及方向。本研究僅限高雄市之45歲以上國小女性教師,研究結果無法推論至所有區域,未來的研究可再增加研究之範圍,以擴大研究的推論性。


The purpose of this study was to investigate current climacteric symptoms, menopause attitude, job stress, health status, and related predictive factors in elementary school teachers. This study used a survey design and the subjects were selected using cluster sampling. Female teachers that were over 45 years old from elementary schools in Kaohsiung City were invited to participate. There were 254 questionnaires eventually completed with a response rate of 94%. Data were collected with five structured questionnaires, including: 1) Demographic data sheet; 2) The Greene climacteric scale; 3) menopause attitude scale; 4) The elementary school teacher’s job stress scale; and 5) a 36-item short form general health survey measure. Data analysis was conducted with the SPSS/12.0 Windows software statistical package. The main study findings are as follows: 1. The standard score on the climacteric scale was 16.25%. The scale "muscle, joint pain" was high, and "want to cry" was low. 2. The standard score on the menopause attitude scale was 64.64%. The scale "sweep of- dirty of" was high, and "active of- passive of" was low. 3. The standard score on the elementary school teacher’s job stress scale was 50.86%. The scale "job load" was high, and "profession development" was low. 4. The standard score on the SF-36 was 73.21%. Within the scale, teachers demonstrated good attitude in "body pain" and poor attitude in "generally healthy appearance". 5. A positive relationship exists between age, menopause attitude and health status. In addition a negative relationship was found when contrasting health status intention with menopause symptoms, and job stress. 6. With multiple regression analysis, age, menopause symptoms, menopause attitude, and job stress were significant in explaining 48.8% of the variance in health status. The study’s results can be used as a reference for the nursing staff at schools in order to promote a related health care program. It can also be used as guidance for promoting positive healthy behavior. By implementing the teachers’ health evaluation, they can determine who are high risk for critical health conditions as well as provide multiple knowledgeable consultations and referral services for teachers who have menopausal syndrome. It can be the foundation and direction for researching intervening measures. The study subjects were elementary teachers at age 45 or older in Kaohsiung City and the study range was limited. More scopes can be included in future studies in order to enlarge the inference.


江佳錡、陳建志 、林光洋(2004).女性更年期.基層醫學,19(1),2-7。


