  • 學位論文


The “Change” of Indigenous People in the Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan:An Interpretive Interactionism Study

指導教授 : 鄭夙芬


本研究從莫拉克風災原住民觀點出發,研究目的為以莫拉克風災原住民體察的變為主體,了解它對原住民的意涵;並探討莫拉克風災原住民體察的變,撞擊反映出的脈絡;藉由檢視莫拉克風災原住民體察的變及其意涵,提供未來相關災變服務工作及研究之參考。   本研究方法為解釋性互動論,透過立意取樣,選取五位莫拉克風災重災區之那瑪夏鄉民族村、民權村或民生村之部落原住民進行深度訪談以蒐集其個人生命故事,部落生活脈絡和看到或經歷到莫拉克風災之經驗等資料加以分析。   本研究結果發現: 1.「離災不離村,離村不離鄉」卻變成「離災要離村,離村也要離鄉」? (1)這是誰要的「永久」? (2)又見災難---搬到杉林≠回到山林 (3)我將再起----再現高山民族的「天」、「地」、「人」 2. 「臨時」?「工作」?「津貼」?   本研究提出的建議如下: 1.政府除永久屋計畫之外,多預留一點空間,提供不同之重建選項,例如中繼屋或避難屋,不要把焦點都聚焦在永久屋,先讓受災原民在災後慌亂情境下先行安頓,再慢慢溝通,了解原民聲音,評估原民需求 2.未來政府面對陸續遷回原鄉的原民不應該加以禁止,反而應檢視原鄉的重建工作是否完整,規劃可以讓原民重新開始的生活環境 3.原住民就業服務特殊性應優於整體就業政策統一性的考量,政策需正視並肯定原住民的存在,工作設計應回歸原住民日常生活面貌


This research, from the Taiwan indigenous people of Typhoon Morakot point of view, mainly to understand the influence of Typhoon Morakot to those indigenous people, and to know what the meaning to them. Meanwhile, to discuss the change to the natives who had been through the disaster ,and to realize what effects them. By examining the changes and the meanings of what typhoon brought to the indigenous people, we can offer the consultation about the researches and the jobs to relevance of destruction after typhoon. This research adopts interpretative interactionism method. Under interpretative interactionism method, five indigenous people are given depth interviews to collect a person's life story and their experience in Typhoon Morakot in Namasia Township. The results of this research are as follows: 1.“Not leave the village from disaster and not leave our homes from the village” to “To leave the village from disaster and leave from the village also” 2.“Temporary?” ,“Work?” or “Allowances?” Recommendations of this research conclusion are as follows: 1.Apart from the permanent housing plan, provide different options for reconstruction to indigenous people 2.Does not prohibit victims return home and make the original living environment for indigenous people to restart


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