  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of an Oral Health Education Intervention Program on Oral Health Care Behavior in Working Place Employees

指導教授 : 黃曉靈


研究背景: 成年人牙周病是常見口腔疾病,常因不良生活型態造成。口腔健康教育的介入已被證實可有效提升口腔相關知識、態度與口腔保健行為,進而改善口腔健康狀態。目前台灣口腔保健介入計畫主要針對婦幼、學齡前兒童或老人等族群,並未有職場相關的口腔健康促進計劃。 研究目的: 評值職場員工口腔健康教育介入計畫對口腔保健知識、態度、及口腔保健行為之成效。 研究方法: 採單組前後測設計。於北、中、南區分別選取兩家職場,共256位完成介入與前後測問卷。介入方式使用團體口腔健康課程,內容包含口腔疾病、口腔衛生、潔牙示範教學與回覆示教,共2.5小時;擔任主管職位則需多一堂(半小時)職場口腔健康實施優勢的課程。使用自填式問卷收集知識、態度與行為前後測資料。每位參加者於填寫問卷後再輔以10分鐘一對一個人衛教,加強潔牙教學。 以邏輯斯迴歸分析方法,探討介入後在口腔保健知識、態度得分、自覺口腔健康狀況、口腔保健行為等相關變項之改善成效。 研究結果: 介入後員工口腔保健知識、態度平均得分顯著高於介入前(p<.001)。一天刷牙2次以上、刷牙時間2分鐘以上、使用貝式刷牙法、牙線使用及使用含氟牙膏,皆顯著提升兩成,且前後測達顯著差異 (p<.001)。結果顯示於職場口腔保健課程介入後員工知識得分、態度得分、一天刷牙次數2次以上、每次刷牙時間2分鐘以上、每三個月更換牙刷、選用含氟牙膏、及每日使用牙線等口腔保健行為,皆有顯著提升。 結論: 職場口腔健康教育的介入,可有效提升員工口腔保健知識、態度及行為。


Background: Periodontal disease is one of common oral disease.Oral health education intervention can improve oral health-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, and further improve oral health status. However, most of Taiwanese oral health care programs were focusing on maternaland children, pre-schoolers, and the elderly population;no workplace oral health program has conducetd. Objective: To evaluate the effects of an oral health education intervention program on oral health care knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in working place employees. Method: The study design was one group pre- and post- test. Two workplaces were selected from northern, central and southern districts, respectively. A total of 256 subjects completed intervention and pre-/post-test questionnaires. We conducted two and half hours of group oral health teaching curriculum including oral diseases introduction, oral hygiene, teeth cleaning demonstrations and a repeat of what had been demonstrated earlier for employees. Executive managers required more than a half hour class concerning oral health implementation superiority. A self-adminstered questioniare was used to collect data regarding oral health knowledge, attitudes and beahaviors. Each participant had a 10-minute supplementation of personal oral hygiene instructions right after completing the questionnaires.Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the effectiveness of level of oral health knowledge, attitude and beahviors. Results: Tooth brushing over twice daily, tooth brushing over 2 minutes, using the modify Bass method, dental flossing and fluoride toothpaste were significantly improved by 20% (p<.001).Higher knowledge score, higher attitudes score, tooth brushing over twice daily, tooth brushing over 2 minutes, replacing toothbrush within 3 months, selecting fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily were found significant improved after oral health intervention. Conclusion: Workplace oral health education intervention can improve employee oral health knowledge, attitudes and behaviors.


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