  • 學位論文


The Study of Enneagram and Work Values -Post-80s Generation as an Example

指導教授 : 陳冠浤


隨著時代的變遷、資訊的發達,以及多元化的接觸,使得現代的人們較無衣食無缺的困擾,加上現在社會的出生率低,造成少子化的情形越來越明顯,也讓這些80後的人處於一個嬌生慣養的世代,導致現今80後工作者們的個性與處事的價值觀上與以往的五、六級生有大大的不同之處。也因為如此,80後的工作者成為現今最熱門的議題。另外,現今的80後工作者對於自我的理解與性格,以及自我的工作價值觀之了解程度不高,往往造成自己不適合於現任的工作,進而影響到個人的工作表現。 近年來,九型人格 ( Enneagram )的竄起,成為現今一種新型衡量人格特質的工具,至今已被全球許多的先進國家和知名的集團公司等廣泛地應用。在教育界部份,則是美國史丹佛大學、哈佛大學以及北京的清華大學等著名學府也都有開辦九型人格的相關課程。 因此,本研究藉由九型人格這套工具來探討九型人格與工作價值觀之關聯性,並進一步地深入瞭解現在80後工作者在工作上的價值觀與想法。 本研究以質性訪談的方式與26位80後工作者進行研究,經過分析後發現(1)不同類型的80後工作者在成長、尊重與人際層面上有著不一樣的工作價值觀。(2)現今80後工作者在工作上遇到難題時,多數傾向於詢問別人,請求別人幫助。(3)現今80後工作者對於工作環境,多數偏重於多變化的工作。(4)現今80後工作者在面對是否跳槽問題時,多數偏重於重視人際關係,而選擇繼續留在原工作。(5)在80後世代中,80後工作者在第二型、第七型第九型的性格之人數比例比80前來得高。(6)在80後世代中,80後工作者在第一型、第三型與第八型的性格之人數比例較低。


九型人格 80後 工作價值觀


Along with changes of the time, advanced information and diversified contacts, modern people are not disturbed about having insufficient food and clothing any more. Moreover, low birth rate makes “Trend of Fewer Children” more and more obvious. Therefore, post-80s are pampered and spoiled; their personalities and values are significantly different from previous students of fifth and sixth grades. Consequently, post-80s workers have become the most popular topic nowadays. In addition, they don’t sufficiently understand their selves, characteristics and work value, so they are not suitable for current job and their work performances are influenced. Enneagram, a new tool for measuring personality traits, has come into existence and been adopted in many advanced countries and well-known group companies worldwide for recent years. In educational circle, some celebrated schools such as Stanford University, Harvard University and National Tsing Hua University in Beijing all offer courses relevant to Enneagram. Therefore, this study uses Enneagram to investigate relevance between Enneagram and work value, as well as further look into current post-80s workers’ work value and thoughts. This paper makes a study of 26 post-80s workers by means of qualitative interview, and summarizes following findings after analysis: (1) Different types of post-80s workers have different work values in terms of growth, respect and interpersonal relationship. (2)Presently, most post-80s workers are inclined to ask others and request other’s help when they meet difficulties in job. (3)Concerning working environment, most post-80s workers favor diversified job. (4) Confronted with the problem of job-hopping, post-80s workers mostly choose original job because they value interpersonal relationship. (5)The ratio of post-80s workers is higher than pre-80s workers among people who have the second-type (The Helper), seventh-type (The Enthusiast) and ninth-type (The Peacemaker) character. (6) Post-80s workers account for a low ratio in people with the first-type (The Reformer), third-type (The Achiever) and eighth-type (i.e. The Challenger) character.


Enneagram Post-80 Work Value


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