  • 學位論文


Safety Management in Dike Construction Project

指導教授 : 林信一


本研究探討營建工程廠商於堤防工程施作,對於可能發生之危害,以業主、監造單位及承包商三者間之工程經驗,利用問卷調查及統計分析,藉由調查分析來探討堤防工程之安全管理。 本研究結果發現,在包括業主、監造單位以及承包商共175位受訪者之回收問卷中,對於在臨水作業之堤防工程施工機具相對風險較大、無法預知因降雨河川上游所增加之水量、河川用地內施工動線不佳、以及汛期間對於工程進度影響甚大等四項非人為因素,受訪者認為是最難管控之危害因素。 問卷資料經統計後,工地主管需曾經參與堤防工程之興建經驗,分別獲得93.48%業主、100.00%之監造單位及75.00%之承包商之認同;而第一線施工人員需曾經參與堤防工程之興建經驗認同程度,則為業主91.30%、監造單位98.31%及承包商91.43%;而現場工程師及安全衛生工程師,受訪者則認為不需具備相關堤防工程經驗。 堤防工程中,個人不安全的行為,相對的危害發生機率高,針對此類危害,工地現場各工項之施工團隊,應確實管控其進場施作之人員,辦理相關之安全衛生教育訓練,以提高工作人員之危機意識。本研究將以問卷所得之結果,提出可行之建議事項,以提供未來相關工程之安全管理。


災害 防汛期 堤防工程


This research studied on dike construction for the purpose of flood prevention regarding the risks and hazards to which entrepreneurs, supervisors and contractors are exposed. Through the use of questionnaires and statistical analysis this research examines dike construction safety concerns. This research has found that of 175 questionnaire respondents, comprised of entrepreneurs, supervisors and contractors, the following four non-artificial factors are recognized as the most difficult to manage: • The relative risk of damage to dike construction machinery when working close to water bodies. • The unpredictable changes in water volume at higher reaches of a river. • The terrain within the river’s right of way is undeveloped and consequently obstructive to workers and machinery. • The increased rainfall during the flood season has an extreme impact on the crew’s ability to complete projects on schedule. After analyzing the questionnaire data, it shows that 93.48% of entrepreneurs, 100% of supervisors and 75% of contractors feel that the foreman requires flood prevention or dike construction experience. There were 91.3% of entrepreneurs, 98.31% of supervisors and 91.43% of contractors of the opinion that frontline laborers experience is necessary. And finally, all respondents agree that onsite engineers, and health and safety engineers do not require any flood prevention or dike construction experience. In the field of dike construction, unsafe behavior is directly related to an increase in injury rates. All onsite personnel should focus on safety and health training practices to increase worker safety, and awareness of jobsite hazards. This research will provide feasible suggestions based on the outcomes of questionnaires for safety management of applicable projects in the future.


