  • 學位論文


The Research of the Effect on Strengthening Good-Neighborliness by Southern Taiwan Science Park Administration: Taking Tainan Science Park as an Example

指導教授 : 蘇俊憲


本研究旨在探討南部科學工業園區管理局(研究範圍限定在台南園區)對附近的社區敦親睦鄰等公共關係成效之研究。 本研究主要是採用人員訪談法,在問卷的設計上包含結構式與非結構式二種。此外,本研究的受訪對象分為二大群體,分別為施方(包括:南部科學工業園區管理局、台灣科學工業園區同業公會及進駐廠商)與受方(包括:公部門員工、社區居民、媒體),探討南科敦親睦鄰之成效。資料經分析、探討發現出以下結論: 一、以活動而言:施方與受方都很樂意參加管理局所舉辦的各種活動,參與的民眾也非常認同活動型態,且滿意度都在平均值之上(平均值3以上),可見是很成功的活動,更可使雙方拉近距離,達成敦親睦鄰預期之效益。 二、以設施而言:跟園區內從業員工所需的生活機能息息相關。不論是食、衣、住、行、育、樂等也都獲得施、受雙方的高度使用,且滿意度也在平均值之上(平均值3以上),可見是很符合大眾之實際需要。 三、一般而言:相較於受方,施方無論在有印象的比例、有參與活動或使用設施的比例、以及滿意程度,都較受方為高,推究其原因,可能是施方的宣傳較為不夠,再者設施都在南管局的轄區內,施方佔盡地利之便。


This study focuses on the effect of public relations between Tainan Science Park and its surrounding neighborhood. Both of the structure (questionnaire only) and non-structure (both interview and questionnaire) methodologies were used in this research. The interviewees consisted of two groups: one is “the giving side” including Tainan Science Park Administration, the Allied Association for the Science Park Industries and the companies located in the science park; the other is “the taking side” including the government and public employees, the community residents and media. According to the data analysis, the following conclusions were derived: Firstly, in regards to the activity participation, both “the giving side” and “the taking side’ were delighted to participate in all activities organized by the Park Administration. The satisfactory rating is above average (reaching over 3). The beneficial effect on strengthening good neighborliness by the Park Administration was expected and has been fulfilled. Secondly, the Park Administration provided the infrastructures that are able to meet “the taking side’s ” needs for daily life including eating, clothing, housing and transportation, education, and entertainment. The satisfactory rating related to daily life is also above average (reaching over 3). Lastly, regarding impression, participation and satisfaction, the rating of “the giving side” is higher than that of “the taking side”. As a result, it has been concluded that the reasons could possibly be due to the lack of promotions, and also most of the event resources and facilities are located in the Science Park and are closer to “the giving side”.


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