  • 學位論文


The investigation of essential oil-originated secondary organic aerosol and it’s effects on indoor air quality in spa centers

指導教授 : 許德仁


許多研究指出單帖烯類可與環境中之臭氧等氧化劑反應形成極小微粒,亦有研究認為極小微粒對人體具有危害。精油為目前相當普及之產品且芳療館普遍設立於各街頭巷道,因此有許多民眾使用過精油或體驗芳療,然而目前對精油釋放之物質對室內空氣品質之影響了解甚少,尤其對精油蒸氣與環境中之臭氧等氧化劑反應所形成之極小微粒的了解更為不足。故本研究運用暴露艙室技術採集精油衍生之次級有機氣膠,藉以探討不同精油形成次級有機氣膠之能力。此外?d更進一步了解使用精油對室內空氣品質之影響,本研究選擇三家芳療館進行室內微粒濃度評估。艙室研究結果顯示,芳香類精油於注入臭氧120 ppb時產生大量次級有機氣膠,但漢方類精油產生甚少。所有精油中以茶樹精油產生之次級有機氣膠最多,粒數濃度高達1.9×106/cm3,為背景濃度1.3×104/cm3的145倍;由精油成份分析顯示芳香類精油所含之次級有機氣膠前驅物質較漢方類精油多。另外,芳療館採樣結果發現,芳療師開始使用精油後各芳療館微粒均有上升情形,其中以C家最多。然而三家芳療館各微粒粒徑區間的濃度變化趨勢不一致,造成此結果可能與芳療館之室內隔局及通風狀況有關。此外,當精油開始使用後各芳療館室內總揮發性有機化合物濃度逐漸上升,最高濃度高達4500 ppb,且各芳療館芳療服務期間之檸檬烯濃度均大於背景濃度。因此,由上述結果得知,室內環境使用精油的確會對室內空氣品質造成影響,所以大眾於使用精油時必須注意使用時間,以免因吸入過高的極小微粒與VOC導致健康危害。


Many studies have demonstrated that ultrafine particles are generated as a result of the reactions between monoterpene and ozone as well as other oxidants. Studies also indicated ultrafine particles may pose health hazards when inhaled. Essential oils are commonly used in indoor environments today and spa centers offering aromatherapy service are emerging. However information regarding the effects of essential oils on indoor air quality, especially the ultrafine particles generated from the secondary reaction between ozone and essential oils is very limited. The first part of this study was conducted in a controlled environmental chamber to investigate the capability of different essential oils to generate secondary organic aerosol (SOA). The second part of this study was to investigate the particle concentration in three spa centers offering aromatherapy. The results of the chamber study showed that fragrant essential oils produced much more SOA than herbal essential oils when ozone (120 ppb) was present in the chamber. Tea tree essential oil produced as high as 1.9×106 particles/cm3, the highest among the fragrant essential oils. The analysis of chemical constituents of the essential oils tested suggested that fragrant essential oils contain more precursors, such as monoterpense, of SOA than herbal essential oils. The results from spa centers sampling indicated that particle number concentration increased as aromatherapy started. However, particle number concentration in each particle size range varied among the three centers, partially because of the difference in indoor layout and ventilation condition. Moreover, concentration of total volatile organic compounds (TVOCs) reached 4500 ppb while aromatherapy was performed. Due to the fact that ultrafine particles and VOC are generated when essential oils are used in indoor environments, more attention should be paid on their effects on indoor air quality.


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