  • 學位論文


The Workers in Network of Learning Relation

指導教授 : 謝介仁


本研究主要對於學習網絡內部關係現象,以及補充Van der Krogt於1998年提出學習網絡架構不足之處,運用社會網絡分析探討學習網絡形成之關係因素和個體中心性將對直接鄰接區產生干擾,以及成員會因相似而產生結構等價與次群體間的學習關係連接。 研究樣本以台南地區高教體系且企業管理相關類群之碩一研究生為主要對象,進行問卷發放的式。並進一步利用統計軟體UCINET進行統計分析步驟,對學習關係網絡內各個成員進行雙模分析、中心性分析、結構等價和檢定分析,並依照研究目的所需,進而選擇適當的分析。 本研究在關係實證後,了解樣本所形成的學習關係網絡,程度和緊密中心成員確實會對影響其餘成員在建構關係上的決定,而且關係中也確實存有工具與情感性關係。另外,由於相似度而使得成員會聚在一起,產生學習網絡的次網絡,再者,次網絡會因為彼此成員有直接關係,而使得次網絡有互動學習關行為。最後,在組織結構裡,內容規劃和學習氣息兩者有顯著相關、情感性關係對內容規劃也有顯著相關。


The aims of this study are to explore the appearance of learning network in organization, and add that Van der Krogt advanced learning network in 1998. This study intends to how relations accrue learning network, central worker influenced others, and some works with similar relationships produce structural equivalence and sub-groups learning relation in learning network by using network analysis. This study uses a group of postgraduate students in Taina as research objects. The data were distributed. A software (UCINET6) is applied as main tools to analyze two-modes, centrality, structural equivalence and certification analysis in learning relation network. Following the research objects, the study chooses the suitable results. Examining the empirical results, the study shows that the degree and closeness centrality will influence their relationship with others, and that relationship had aim and emotion. In addition, the higher the similarity score will be together and accrue sub-network in learning network. Sub-networks had learning each other, because workers had direct relation in sub-networks. Finally, content formulation and learning climate had influence each other, and emotion relationship influences content formulation in organizational structure.


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