  • 學位論文


Exposure Assessment of Hexavalent Chromium to Cement Workers

指導教授 : 吳俊德


研究指出台灣地區泥水作業勞工高皮膚病盛行率,可能與水泥中六價鉻有顯著相關,探討勞工六價鉻暴露和皮膚病的關係有其重要性。本研究收集泥水作業勞工從事各項作業時,六價鉻的暴露強度(exposure intensity)、暴露時間(exposure duration)及暴露有關的作業活動型態(time activity pattern),以建立工作暴露矩陣(job exposure matrix, JEM),估計泥水作業勞工長期六價鉻暴露劑量。徵求志願參與研究的泥水業勞工,針對他們現場工作情形做詳細的紀錄及空氣區域採樣、皮膚及尿液個人採樣,以進行勞工執行各作業項目的暴露測定。以問卷及現場工作紀錄表收集各類與暴露有關的定性資料、工作史、疾病史及生活環境資料。針對暴露測定數據統計分析,估計泥水業勞工執行各項作業項目平均暴露強度,由問卷及現場工作紀錄表推估各項作業項目暴露時間及個人作業活動型態,最後建立工作暴露矩陣。由工作暴露矩陣所推估的相對強度值包含:混拌(1)、運土(2.01)、抹平(5.26)。可以發現從短期模式中知道工作時間越長,皮膚暴露濃度會稍微升高。但從長期模式中,卻看不到這個趨勢。表示長期暴露下,可能有其他未知的干擾因子需要控制掉才能發現趨勢。


The objective of this study is to establish Job Exposure Matrix (JEM) of cement workers by collecting exposure intensity, exposure duration and time activity patterns for each work task to estimate workers’ long-term hexavalent chromium exposure doses. Volunteered cerment workers were observed at their work place to estimate the exposure intensity by collecting skin, urine and air samples. Both questionnaires and field recording sheets were designed to gather qualitative exposure relevant information, work history, disease history and living environment information. Exposure measurements were used to calculate the average exposure of each work task. JEM was established by collecting workers’ exposured time and work activity patterns from the questionnaires and field recording sheets. Each worker’s exposure to hexavalent chromium was estimated by combining the Job Exposure Matrix and personal work history. The JEM in this study provided a good measurement to understand the exposure intensity of helaxvlent chromium for both short-term and long-term exposures and characterization of workers’ exposure profiles. The results of these exposure assessments provided important information on the contribution of dermal exposure of hexavalent chromium, linking cumulative exposure and skin diseases to the biomarkers of hexavalent chromium. The relative intensity value in which collected by the time activity pattern and questionnaire can be estimated to three variables including: mixing(1), transporting(2.01), and scratching(5.26). From the short-term model understood, the longer the task duration is, the dermal hexavalent chromium concentration will elevate slightly. But from the long-term model, this tendency is not likely to occur. It is possible that other unknown confounding factors are in need of control.


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