  • 學位論文


Evaluating the Tourism Industry by Applying Extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption- a Taiwan and China example

指導教授 : 朱文禎


近年來在網際網路推波助瀾之下,旅遊業為網際網路革命影響最深遠的產業之ㄧ。然而,綜觀國內外旅遊業研究多偏向網站內容或消費者需求的探討,但卻缺乏針對整體網站階段性發展作實證研究和比較。故本研究提出適合旅遊業的擴充網際網路商務採用模式(The extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption;eMICA),並以內容分析法探討分析台灣地區與中國地區等兩地旅遊網站,瞭解其現況並進行比較。 研究結果顯示(1)在階段方面,初始階段(網路基礎應用)與成熟階段(交易處理),台灣地區與中國地區旅遊網站有顯著差異;(2)在層級方面,台灣地區與中國地區旅遊網站在豐富資訊層級、基礎交易層級與進階交易層級上,均有顯著差異。


With blooming of the Internet, tourism is one of the most influenced industries in recent years. However, many researches had rather focus on the website contents and consumer demands than the degree of websites development. The purpose of the study used the extended Model of Internet Commerce Adoption is to present an approach to benchmark the relative maturity of website in the tourism. Additionally the comparisons are made between Taiwan and China tourism websites. The results of the research show as the followings: (1) there are significant differences in the first stage (inception) and the third stage (maturity) between Taiwan and China tourism websites from the stage point of view; (2) there are significant differences in rich information, basic processing and advance processing between Taiwan and China tourism websites from the layer point of view.


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