  • 學位論文


Exposure Measurements of Hexavalent Chromium for Construction Workers Using Cement with Ferrous Sulfate

指導教授 : 吳俊德


水泥中所含水溶性六價鉻為導致過敏性接觸性皮膚炎的主因,國內營建業泥水業作業勞工職業性皮膚病高盛行率,顯示出國內泥水業作業勞工因使用水泥所引發的接觸性皮膚炎問題,確實需要加以正視。目前北歐國家採用在製造水泥過程中添加0.3%硫酸亞鐵,以降低水泥中六價鉻含量至2 μg/g以下,此方法已證實可以有效降低泥水業勞工發生職業性皮膚病發生。然而,台灣氣候潮濕,採行在水泥製造過程中添加硫酸亞鐵的作法,可能導致水泥儲存時間變短。本研究嘗試評估在水泥混拌過程中添加0.3%硫酸亞鐵,是否能有效減少泥水業勞工六價鉻暴露。在實驗室進行水泥粉末添加0.3%硫酸亞鐵配方試驗,及收集泥水作業勞工連續多天(3~5天)使用添加硫酸亞鐵水泥,六價鉻暴露皮膚擦拭和尿液樣本。所收集水泥及皮膚樣本分別以分光光度計(Ultra Violet-Visible Spectroscopy, UV/Vis)測定六價鉻含量,尿液樣本以原子吸收光譜儀(Atomic Absorption Spectrometer, AA)測定總鉻含量。從15個水泥樣本添加0.3%硫酸亞鐵試驗發現,硫酸亞鐵配方可有效降低水泥中六價鉻含量,並達到統計上顯著差異(p值<0.0001)。7位使用硫酸亞鐵的作業勞工皮膚擦拭樣本測定發現:勞工皮膚六價鉻暴露平均值在硫酸亞鐵添加前較添加後高,但此差異未達統計上顯著意義(p值= 0.46)。此外,在29位勞工的尿液樣本測定發現:有無使用硫酸亞鐵於水泥中,勞工上午尿液樣本總鉻含量達統計上顯著下降(p值= 0.04),下午尿液總鉻含量雖有下降,但未達統計上顯著差異(p值= 0.49)。由上述結果顯示,若在水泥混扮時添加硫酸亞鐵,確實可有效且快速降低水泥中六價鉻含量及減少泥水業勞工六價鉻暴露。


水泥 六價鉻 硫酸亞鐵 暴露測定


The content of hexavalent chromium in cement is the responsible agent of causing contact dermatitis for cement workers. The high prevalence of occupational skin diseases of cement workers in Taiwan construction industry indicates that the problem of contact dermatitis due to the usage of cement requires to have much attention. Currently, Scandinavia countries reduce the content of hexavalent chromium in cement to less than 2 μg/g by adding 0.3% ferrous sulfate in the process of cement manufacture. This approach has been proven to effectively decrease the occurrence of occupational skin diseases in cement workers. However, the climate of Taiwan is quite humid. The adoption of the approach to adding ferrous sulfate in cement manufacture may result in the shortening of cement shelf life. This study attempted to assess whether the addition of 0.3% ferrous sulfate to the mixture of cement with other materials could reduce the exposure to hexavalent chromium for cement workers. The addition of 0.3% ferrous sulfate to cement powder was tested in the laboratory. The hexavalent chromium exposure of the workers who used the cement with ferrous sulfate for 3~5 days was measured by taking both skin swabbing samples and urine samples. An ultra violet-visible spectroscopy was used to analyze the amount of hexavalent chromium in the cement and skin samples. An atomic absorption spectrometer was used to measure the amount of total chromium in the urine samples. The result showed that the addition of 0.3% ferrous sulfate to cement significantly reduced the amount of hexavalent chromium in 15 cement samples (p-value<0.0001). The measurements of hexavalent chromium for the skin swabbing samples taken from 7 of the cement workers indicated that the average mass of hexavalent chromium on the skin was higher when they used the cement without than with the addition of 0.3% ferrous sulfate, but not reached at statistically significant level (p-value=0.46). In addition, the measurements of total chromium in the urine samples taken from 29 cement workers showed that the amount of total chromium in the pre-shift urine samples was significantly higher when they used the cement without than with the addition of 0.3% ferrous sulfate to cement (p-value=0.04). However, the difference of total chromium in the post-shift urine samples was not statistically significant (p-value=0.49). The results showed that the addition of 0.3% ferrous sulfate to cement during the preparation of cement puddles could effectively and rapidly reduce the amount of hexavalent chromium in the cement and prevent the workers from hexavalent chromium exposure due to cement work.


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