  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Autoignition for Combustible Liquids

指導教授 : 何三平


本研究使用與照明燈同為外部熱源之圓錐量熱儀,模擬照明燈加熱可燃性液體,觀察分析外部加熱導致液體局部過熱時產生之自燃現象(Autoignition),而自燃現象係透過熱通量、點燃時間及自燃溫度三者之間的變化情形加以量化說明。另外,亦利用照明燈作為加熱可燃性液體之熱源,並將其放置於非熱平衡環境之恆溫箱內,改變環境溫度與容器面積大小,觀察可燃性液體自燃起火之影響因素與條件。 研究結果發現,一係外部加熱的熱通量愈大,發生自燃的時間愈短,而自燃溫度則是呈現愈低之趨勢。因此,於油槽防腐蝕施工時應考慮使用低功率高亮度的燈具,以避免發生自燃起火之可能性;二則係溫度量測點的高度應隨著熱通量改變而變化量測點高度,方可得到較精確的自燃溫度;以及抽風效應所抽走的氣流方向與可燃性蒸氣蒸發向上的方向相同,使得熱對流情形較為旺盛,使得可燃性蒸氣較快達到燃燒範圍,且自燃溫度亦較低,相對增加自燃起火之風險。由此可知,自燃溫度會因環境中的條件不同而有所改變,使得自燃溫度並非固定於同一溫度值,亦即表示可燃性液體發生自燃之風險增加。 另外,亦使用照明燈加熱時,環境溫度加大至45℃時以上,容器直徑為6cm、7cm及8cm,方可觀察到環氧樹脂發生自燃現象。係因盛裝環氧樹脂的容器較小時,因局部產生的蒸氣濃度無法達到燃燒範圍,若增加容器面積反而因照明燈中心旁的輻射熱強度較小,以致局部的蒸氣濃度更不易蓄積達到自燃起火之濃度,造成容器直徑愈大時,環氧樹脂發生自燃起火的時間愈長;若為柴油時,無論環境溫度為35℃或40℃時,柴油發生自燃起火的時間呈現隨之縮短的趨勢。係因其閃火點較低,容易揮發蒸氣,加上局部蒸氣濃度已達燃燒範圍而起火燃燒。因此隨著容器直徑逐漸變大時,柴油發生自燃起火的時間呈現愈快之現象。由此可知,環境溫度和容器大小可能為影響可燃性液體是否能夠發生自燃現象之因素。


Cone calorimeter is used to simulate the heat flux of light on the coating surface inside the accident tank. Different heat flux can be applied to obtain different ignition time and temperature on the fuel surface. The higher heat flux causes shorter ignition time and lower temperature because more heat can be maintained on the fuel surface with less heat transfer through the fuel depth. The vertical wind effect can cause turbulent on the fuel surface to lower the autoignition temperature from the cone calorimeter test. The lower power light is recommended to use in the interior finish of the tank. The autoignition of epoxy occurs when the diameter of the container is 6 cm, 7 cm, and 8 cm and the ambient temperature is 45 ℃ in the light heat test. The vapor concentration can not be ignited because it does not reach the explosive limit in smaller container. The heat flux is largest at the center of the light and is smaller in the edge of the light on the fuel surface of the container. The 8 cm container will take more time to ignite than 6 cm one because the vapor concentration can not reach the explosive limit uniformly on the fuel surface in epoxy tests. The diesel oil can be ignited in any size of the container because its lower flash point results in more vapors on the fuel surface to reach it explosive limit. The diesel oil is easy to ignite in the lager container than smaller container when it exposure under the light range. The flash point of the fuel, ambient temperature, and the container size will affect the autoignition of the combustible liquids.


【2】 Roger L. Brauer., Safety and Health for Engineers, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, (2006).
【6】 James G. Quintiere, Principles of Fire Behavior, 2nd ed., Clifton Park, NY, CENGAGE Delmar Learning (1998).
【14】 勞工安全衛生設施規則總則,“第13條 易燃液體”,行政院勞工委員會,2007/02/14修正。
【16】 NFPA 30,“Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, ”National Fire Protection Association, Quincy MA (2001).
【24】 應正儀,油類熱特性分析與探討,私立長榮大學職業安全與衛生研究所碩士論文,2007。


