  • 學位論文


Survey, Analysis and Study of Taiwan Software Industrial Process for CMMI

指導教授 : 吳清色


由於資訊科技業的蓬勃發展,台灣從事各類型軟體研發與生產的機構與日俱增。政府正積極地進行軟體產業的升級輔導,藉由引進美國軟體工程學院(Software Engineering Institute, SEI)所發展出的能力成熟度整合模式(Capability Maturity Model-Integrated, CMMI) ,來提昇國內軟體業者軟體發展的能力,以因應未來可以預見的大量產業需求與國際競爭。 在國內外皆在積極導入CMMI的同時,由於台灣軟體組織規模與文化都與國外組織不盡相同,本研究以文獻探討的方式,找出CMMI中影響軟體流程的主要流程領域,並以文獻探討為基礎設計問卷,在前測部分以專家學者為依據修改問卷。接著以台灣軟體組織以及軟體工程之專家學者為研究對象,進行正式問卷調查。透過統計分析方法從中分析出軟體流程影響軟體品質之重要因素,分別使用平均數找出權重,得到業界與學者對於軟體流程與軟體品質因素之排序。從中找出各種的差異點,提供國內軟體業者進行軟體評估使用,做為其在進行軟體專案開發之前能夠了解自己公司在流程的部份優缺點及需要加強改善之處,以提高軟體品質。另外,使用線性結構模式分析找出軟體流程與軟體品質的對應關係,以提供軟體業者進行軟體流程改善時的依據,並且希望以此為基礎提供後續模型建立。


The prosperous information technology also brings up Taiwan’s software development companies. However, these companies are facing the most difficult and competitive environment in the world. The software industry will be eliminated through competition if the quality of software development process has not been improved. Therefore, the government is very energetic to assist software companies in promoting the CMMI level. Taiwan software organization’s scale and culture are quite different from other countries. Therefore, there exists some distinctions in paying attention to the software process and quality. In the past, researchers always focus on the ways of improving forecasting models or assessment model. However, they seem to have ignored the baseline attributes of software process influencing to software quality. This research is trying to find the correlations between software process attributes and quality for Taiwan software companies including those under CMMI assessment. The viewpoints on these issues from scholars, software experts and project managers of any software industry scale will also be surveyed. For the future research, results of this research will be further used for establishing an estimation model (such as COCOMO Taiwan) particular for Taiwan software industrial environment.


11. 黃端祥(民93),台灣中小型軟體發展組織如何實施CMMI Level 2,中原大學資訊管理研究所碩士論文。
13. 經濟部國際貿易局,印度經貿資訊網。
1. 王村文(民93),支援CMMI之建構管理系統研發,國立成功大學資訊工程學系碩士論文。
2. 吳美芳(民91)。軟體程序成熟度、使用者參與與軟體品質之相關研究。成功大學工業管理研究所碩士論文。
10. 馮王貞美 魏秋建 林育德(民94),「品質達成率應用在專案品質的評估與控制」,中國工業工程學會學刊,第22卷,第47 期,頁35-40。
