  • 學位論文


Improve the efficiency of updating in global key of LEAP+

指導教授 : 張智超


內部攻擊在無線感測器網路中察覺不易且排除困難,近年來在文獻中所提出的方法大部分是利用全域金鑰來完成排除非法成員的動作。以LEAP+(Localized Encryption and Authentication Protocol+)為例,在效能與硬體許可的情形下,使用了四種金鑰加密來達成無線感測器中多種通訊需求的安全需求,然而我們的研究發現其中全域金鑰的更新程序會消耗大量能量,因此攻擊者將可以藉由觸發大量的全域金鑰更新而迅速降低LEAP+網路的生存時間(lifetime)。 本篇論文提出一個適當的解決方式,策略性的利用感測器記憶體內現有的鄰居成員資訊,將金鑰之更新程序獨立而不需要相互依賴,進而提升LEAP+全域金鑰的更新效率,降低金鑰更新程序的能量需求與提升整體運作效能。


Compromised attack is difficult to detect in wireless sensor network. In many ways, One of the effective and usually feasible procedure is updating the global key to exclude illegal members. In the permission of hardware and efficiency, LEAP+(Localized Encryption and Authentication Protocol+) supports the establishment of four types of keys for each sensor node, but the updating protocol of the global key consumes a large amount of operation energy, the enemy can consume the energy quickly by touching off updating procedures. In this paper, we present a proper settlement way, using the data written in the memory of the sensors to promote the efficiency of LEAP+. In addition, this protocol can be implemented in other secure protocols which use the global key.


LEAP+ Wireless Sensor Networks Global key Security


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