  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Change in Spatial Allocation of New Built Housing Price in Tainan City

指導教授 : 謝博明


新建住宅的分布代表住宅市場的指標,分布位置隨景氣改變,象徵住宅市場發展重心的變化,藉此分析新建住宅的次市場關係。本研究主要目的為探討台南市新建住宅價格是否有空間自我相關的情形,空間上聚集的情形為何。利用「台南市建築開發商業同業公會」提供2005年至2008年新建住宅資料進行研究,探究各年度新建住宅主力價格的空間聚集情況,分析各年度空間分布的變遷情形。最後比較特徵價格模型與空間自我迴歸模型之差異,是否可以提高模型之解釋能力與降低模型之偏誤。 在全域型空間自我相關測試中,四個年度的Moran’s I值皆顯示新建住宅具有空間聚集的現象。在實證結果中,LISA值與G係數計算出的結果相當類似,四個年度高價位住宅多位於中西區的湖美地區、安平區與北區海安路三段兩側,而低價住宅分布則較集中在安南區與南區。2008年高價區則集中在東區虎尾寮重劃區,建商對新建住宅個案開發策略的轉變,建商往土地成本較低的地區開發,而在虎尾寮重劃區具備交通便利與學校位置的優勢,使得生活條件更勝其他地區,因此出現發展重心轉移的現象。新建住宅開發以土地取得問題最為重要,在舊市區住宅分布密集,缺乏可開發土地,建商紛紛購置重劃區內的土地推出建案。具有交通便利與學校區位因素的重劃區,生活機能良好,多為高價住宅的聚集地。 本研究建立三種迴歸式,特徵價格模型、空間延遲模型與空間誤差模型,結果顯示二種空間自我迴歸模型都比傳統迴歸模型的配適度佳,但模型配適度差異不大,主要的原因為資料與變數之問題,因為本研究利用的主力價格為一批新建住宅平均總價,且為建商之開價,但建商在訂價時,除了考慮本身建物的條件外,亦有許多建商的開價考量,本研究無法取得相關資料,因此模型估計的結果不佳。 本文之貢獻性在於配合房地產景氣變動之趨勢分析新建住宅空間分布與變化,可知一地區房地產市場發展之指標以及未來發展之重點地區。而且本研究之結果可與其他地區(或都市)作比較,例如:北部地區,可突顯南北地區房地產市場發展之差異。


The spatial allocation of new housing starts is the indicator of housing market conditions. The changes in spatial distribution of new housing starts present the changes in housing market development. This study primarily discusses the spatial autocorrelation and spatial clusters of new housing prices during 2005 to 2008. This study also compares the hedonic price model from the spatial autoregression models and analyzes whether the spatial autoregression model can improve the model’s goodness-of-fit and bias estimations? Regarding spatial dependence, the Moran’s Index presents significantly positive results in all four years which indicates that new housing prices are significantly correlated to each other during the four years. Higher price areas were concentrated on Hu-mei area of Middle-East district, An-ping district and Hi-an road of North district, while lower price areas were concentrated on An-nan and South districts. However, there was a significant change in the concentration of higher price areas where there was shifted to Huwei Liao area in 2008. With convenient traffic conditions, sufficient public space and facilities and good schools, Huwie Lioa area has become the hottest area attracting not only the housing developers but also housing purchasers in recent years. By comparing the hedonic price model and spatial autoregression models, the results show that the spatial autoregression models have better goodness-of-fit, which can improve bias and inefficient estimations of new housing prices, even though there is vey small in difference between these models. It is probably influenced by the sample size and allocation and also influenced by a lack of important determinants in estimating new housing price models. The contribution of this study is primarily focused on exploring the changes in spatial allocation of new housing prices with a change in real estate market condition, as well as macro-economic conditions. In addition, our results can be as an indication to local housing market development and also can be compared to local housing markets in northern Taiwan.


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林芳如(2014)。台南縣市合併升格直轄市對新建住宅價格 空間分布變化之探討〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2014.00214
