  • 學位論文


A Review of Basil Hatim’s Translation Studies: Three Dimensions of Context

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


西方翻譯理論發展蓬勃,但台灣將西洋翻譯理論應用在中英翻譯實務的研究往往僅限於檯面較為出名的西洋翻譯理論家。巴茲爾•哈提姆(Basil Hatim)係西洋重要翻譯學者之一;但目前為止,鮮少看見有學者將其翻譯策略應用於中英翻譯實務上。 本研究旨在探討英國翻譯理論家巴茲爾•哈提姆所提出的語境三層面理論產生的原由及影響,並將此理論應用於長榮大學翻譯系學生,探究學生在進行翻譯工作時心裡所進行的翻譯程序。本研究並非討論學生的英文能力,而是翻譯能力。更確地說,就是學生們在進行翻譯時所思考的翻譯方法。 本研究是對於哈提姆翻譯理論進行的一種初探,除了希望在日後能為從事翻譯研究的學生提供資料參考外,也讓有心想要從事翻譯領域研究的同學能夠及早接觸相關研究,並藉以增進其翻譯能力。


By the 1980s, Western translation studies began to flourish around the world. However, many of the Taiwanese scholars, applying translation studies to practical use, were mainly focusing on commonly seen translation theories. Basil Hatim is one of the important scholars who devoted himself to the study of discourse analysis. It seems interesting to apply part of Hatim’s translation theory to Chinese-English translation. With regard to the research on Basil Hatim’s translation theory, not many applications on Chinese-English translations can be seen. This study is aimed at a review and discussion on Basil Hatim and Ian Mason’s Three Dimensions of Context, and at applying the Three Dimensions of Context to a class of undergraduate students from the Department of Interpretation & Translation Studies (DTIS), CJCU to see how the students comprehended the source texts and how they produced the target texts. This research is not focused on student’s English proficiency but their translation abilities. To be more specific, this study has explored kinds of way of thinking they led while translating. This study provides a preliminary discussion on Hatim’s Three Dimensions of Context, hoping not only to serve as a reference for future study, but also to provide students a preliminary introduction of translation theories and to improve their translation ability.


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