  • 學位論文


The effect of occupational class on self-rated health for retirees in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 林文德


目標:對於台灣青壯年、老年勞動人口,從職場退休後是否能夠有得到充足的健康資源以及健康上相關的調適問題,進而造成身心理健康反應在自覺健康的狀況上,所以藉著觀察從職場上不同職業類型之退休前、後自覺健康的改變,來了解不同職業階級與自覺健康的相互關係,是本研究欲探討的。 方法:使用行政院衛生署國民健康局2003-2007年進行的「台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」,以人口特性、工作種類及狀態、自覺健康狀況等資料進行分析。 結果:在2003-2007年間,選取在2003年有工作至2007年退休之樣本及2003年到2007年持續工作的樣本共1216位。白、藍領階級工作者方面,比較從職場退休與持續工作的兩組樣本之自覺健康的改變狀況,自覺健康的改變是沒有呈現顯著性反應,表示白、藍領階級工作者不會因從職場退休後而影響其自覺健康的改變狀況。 結論:本研究對於白領及藍領工作者從職場退休後他們的自覺健康變化中,了解到在退休前不同職業的種類階級雖不會影響到日後退休的自覺健康的變化,但藍領工作者的自覺健康表現在退休前、後均顯著低於白領工作者,藍領工作者並沒有因退休情形而減輕其在健康上的劣勢,對於未來如何縮短藍領、白領工作者在退休後的健康差距是相關衛生福利政策應思考的方向。


自覺健康 職業類別


Objective: Whether Taiwanese retired workers with health adjustment problems can acquire adequate health information to reflect physical and mental health conditions on perceived health is worth investigating. Therefore, this research investigates the correlations between occupation categories and perceived health by observing changes in perceived health conditions of various occupation categories before and after retirement. Method: Based on the Longitudinal Study on Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan conducted between 2003 and 2007 by Bureau Health Promotion, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., this research analyzes demographic characteristics, occupation categories, working conditions, and perceived health conditions. Results: The research sampled 1216 workers who either worked continuously or retired between 2003 and 2007. Regarding the blue- and white-collar workers, the changes in the perceived health conditions of the retirement group and the working group showed no significant difference. The study results indicate that retirement does not lead to changes in the perceived health of the blue-collar and white-collar workers. Conclusions: Based on the study results, the perceived health of the white- and blue-collar retired workers is unaffected by their occupation categories before retirement. However, the perceived health performances of the blue-collar workers before and after retirement were significantly lower than those of white-collar workers. The blue-collar workers did not improve their health disadvantages after retirement. Therefore, how to shorten the health gap between blue- and white-collar retired workers should be a direction for future health and welfare policy development.


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