  • 學位論文

中學教師休閒運動參與動機 及休閒阻礙因素之研究

A Study of Leisure Sports Participation Motivation and Constraint Factors for High School Teachers

指導教授 : 林傑毓


本文旨在探討中學教師休閒參與動機及休閒運動阻礙因素,本研究以中學教師為研究對象,採取問卷調查方法,總計發出問卷100份,回收有效問卷95份,有效回收率95%,並運用敘述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析以及相關分析等方法進行問卷資料分析。本文將休閒運動參與動機分成自我成就、自我需求與他人影響三個構面,將休閒運動阻礙因素分成個人內在因素、人際性因素與結構性因素三個構面。除了分析中學教師的性別、年齡、婚姻子女狀況、教育程度、教學年資、職務、平均月收入等人口統計變項對休閒運動參與動機及阻礙因素的影響,並探討休閒運動參與動機及阻礙因素之關係。 研究結果發現中學教師的性別對休閒運動參與動機的自我成就及自我需求有顯著影響,婚姻子女狀況與教學年資對休閒運動阻礙因素的結構性因素有顯著影響,休閒運動參與動機及阻礙因素之間的關係亦部分顯著。本文最後依據研究結果,分別針對教師個人、學校方面及未來後續研究提出建議,期望能對充實中學教師休閒運動有所幫助。


This thesis aims to explore leisure sports participation motivation and constraint factors for high school teachers. The method of questionnaire survey was used in the study. One hundred questionnaires were delivered to high school teachers, and 95 effective questionnaires were received. Some statistical methods including the independent sample t test, ANOVA, and correlation analysis were employed to analyze the respondents. The participation motivation consists of self achievement, self demand, and other persons’ influences. The constraint factors consist of intrapersonal factor, interpersonal factor, and structural factor. The present study analyze the influences of gender, age, marriage and family status, educational level, teaching experiences, position in school, and income on leisure sports participation motivation and constraint factors, and the relation between participation motivation and constraint factors. Research findings reveal that gender has significant influences on self achievement and self demand. Marriage and family status and taching experiences have significant influences on structural constraint factor. Participation motivation and constraint factors are partially correlated. Based on research findings, the present study proposes some suggestions for teachers, educational institutions, and further study.


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