  • 學位論文


The Study of Employees’ Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Job Performance: An Example of Mr. Mark Bread Bakery Chain Stores

指導教授 : 李元墩


本研究旨在探討麵包類連鎖店的員工工作滿意度、組織承諾及 工作績效;根據文獻回顧,本研究以問卷調查進行研究分析,針對 馬可先生麵包員工與主管以全數普查方式進行問卷調查。本研究針 對馬可先生麵包坊全體員工389 人為對象,回收有效問卷共計293 份,有效回收率約為75%。 本研究採用的分析方法為敘述統計分析、信度分析、t 檢定、單 因子變異數分析與迴歸分析。本研究之主要發現如下: 在不同背景的員工在工作滿意度是具有部分顯著差異,其中以 不同部門、職位區分、營業區域區分皆具顯著差異。在不同背景的 員工在組織承諾上具有部分顯著差異,不同部門、教育程度的差 異、營業區域區分皆具顯著差異。不同背景的員工在工作績效上具 有部分顯著差異,在職位差別、服務年資的長短具有顯著差異立。 整體工作滿意度對工作績效具有顯著且正向影響,當員工對工 作滿意度越大,工作績效則越好;組織承諾對工作績效具有顯著且 正向影響,當組織的承諾感越強,則工作績效的表現就越佳;工作 滿意度對工作績效具有顯著正向影響,當員工滿意度越高,則其工 作績效也會隨之提升;以前述各項回歸分析結果顯示,工作滿意度 與組織承諾對工作績效均有顯著正向影響,當組織承諾做為工作滿 意度與工作績效之間的中介變項時,具有完全中介之效果。 最後根據研究結果,將提供給相關企業作為擬定策略及管理之 參考以提升企業競爭力。


This study aims to discuss Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Job Performance of the staff in chain bakeries. According to literature review, questionnaire survey is used for the analyses, in which the complete census is proceeded. Aiming at 389 of the staff and supervisors in Mr. Mark Bakery, total 293 valid copies are returned, with the effective returned rate 75%. Descriptive Analysis, Reliability Analysis, t-test, One-Way Analysisof Variance, and Regression Analysis are applied to this study, and the major findings are concluded as follows: The staff with distinct background reveals partially significant difference in Job Satisfaction, where departments, positions, and business regions appear remarkable variation. The staff with distinct background shows partially notable variation in Organizational Commitment, in which departments, educational background, and business regions present significant variation. The staff with distinct background reveals partially remarkable differences in Job Performance, where positions and seniority appear notable variation. In general, Job Satisfaction shows significantly positive effects on Job Performance that the higher Job Satisfaction of the staff presents the better Job Performance. Organizational Commitment shows significantly positive effects on Job Performance that the stronger Organizational Commitment reveals the better Job Performance. Job Satisfaction appears significantly positive effects on Job Performance that the higher Staff Satisfaction enhances Job Performance. The regression analysis results show the notably positive effects of both Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Job Performance that Organizational Commitment completely reveals the mediating effects between Job Satisfaction and Job Performance. Based on the research results, the reference of strategies and management is provided for enhancing bakery enterprise competitiveness.


聯性研究-以S 公司員工運動會為例。朝陽科技大學休閒事業
