  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study of Human Resource Training in Community Building

指導教授 : 蘇俊憲


近年來,社區營造議題越發重要。每一個社區都擁有其各類有形與無形資源。同時,某些限制(constraints)也侷限了其社區營造之實現。如果這些限制可以被適當地評估並管理,從而透過豐富的資源配置予以克服,那麼社區營造的成果將無可限量。 本研究主要目的在確認(1)影響社區營造實現之相關限制,與(2)為這些限制找到適當的解決方案。研究過程中,透過限制理論觀點之於社區營造之實現,輔以焦點訪談法(focus group)與文獻回顧法(literature review),總結出一份與社區營造限制有關的問卷。再依此問卷實施德爾菲法(Delphi method),從德爾菲法專家訪談中,本研究確切的找出某些社區營造的限制,與解決這些限制的適當方案。


The issues of community building become important in recent years worldwide. Each community has its own tangible and intangible resources and some existing constraints pertaining to its building. If these constraintscan be evaluated and managed properly, the accomplishment of the community building can be greatly improved by companying with prosperous resources. In this study, the main purpose is (1) to identify the constraints of the community building, and (2) trying to find the solutions of these constraints. The methods of focus group combined with literature review, through the viewpoints of the theory of constraints in community building implementation, are conducted and result in a set of questionnaires. Delphi method is followed to verify the questionnaires to find the real constrains existed in the community building and solutions to them. Consequently, this study has concluded some constraints and their pertaining solutions of the community building.


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