  • 學位論文


A Study of Food Certification Labels on Consumers Behavior

指導教授 : 丁崇德


中文摘要 近年來台灣因隨經濟發展,個人所得增加,消費者對於每日購買的食品態度及方式產生極大的變化。吃得飽避免飢餓已成為過去形態,目前如何吃得有營養、養生及健康,追求食品的品質的提升為現代顯學的趨勢。已由過去一般食品選擇,進而精緻食物要求,更而至今的良食的追求。 近年來世界各國企業因急速要求獲利,而忽略企業道德,常使用不應該添加的原料或技術,而造成層出不窮的食安問題,引發人們食品安全議題的疑慮及恐慌。台灣從食用油事件引爆一連串食安問題,導致人民對政府政策不信任態度也日益高漲。如何建立一個讓人民信賴而且共通用、好記的食品標章為各國家政府政策當務之急。而台灣早期的病死豬流入市面到目前的黑心油品、茶葉農藥殘留,一再的發生,即使一些有品牌或已通過食品安全驗證的產品,仍讓人產生認證品質的疑慮。 有鑑於食安風暴之後,食品標章及食品供應系統上的重要性,本研究針對本國五大都市,進行食品標章產品購買行為的問卷調查。以計畫行為理論為架構基礎,探討建構消費者的「態度」、「主觀規範」、「行為控制知覺」、「購買意願」、「購買行為」五個構面的問卷分析。從消費者的需求、認知、消費行為的觀點,整理出食品標章之改善因素,並探討消費者對於食品標章的態度及購買行為,進一步建議政府機關或相關單位對於今後推動有關食品標章執行之改善及策略之建議。 本研究就消費者的背景變項,以計畫行為理論為模型,分別以樣本進行因素分析、單因子變異分析、二因子變異分析及多元回歸分析等分析方法,檢定各項研究的假設。


Abstract In recent years, with the economic development growing up and increasing in personal income. Consumers are getting more attention to health .Buying food has become the most essential part of changes in life. Consumers are no longer just for satisfying their hunger but how to eat more healthy and nutritious. The pursuit of quality improvement is the significant of learning trends in modern time. In recent years, enterprises around the world want to increase profit rapidly without their corporate ethics. The added the pollutants and chemeical that should not be added in raw materials. Those constantly arising incidents of food safety cause consumers panic and anxiety. A priority for the national government policy , how to establish consumers trust and a good record of co-general food Labels. From early Taiwan's had sick and dead Pigs sold to market to unhealthy Cooking oil at now. The same things took place again and again, consumers still query the quality of some brands or products even through food safety certification . In this study, Questionnaires of Food Safety Certification Labels on Consumers Behavior in Taiwan's five city. We adopted Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to verify changes on consumer's attitude toward subject norm, perceived behavioral control and behavior intention if consumers have a clear awareness on food certification. Owing to importance of food certification labels in food safety, The questionaires are used in this research and the reasearch results can hopefully be used as reference in implementing consumers This research used the backgrounds of the consumers,are examined and analyzed through the Theory of Planned Behavior methods of factor,Independent Sample One-way ANOVA, Two-Way ANOVA and Multiple Regression .


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