  • 學位論文


Calcium intake, preventive behavior, and osteoporosis knowledge in the female hospital employee in Central Taiwan.

指導教授 : 張菡馨


骨質疏鬆症隨著世界人口年齡的老化,盛行率逐年攀升,預防疾病的產生將是目前最重要的策略。目前許多研究結果已證實針對骨質疏鬆症的危險因子進行改善,可有效提升骨質密度,降低骨質疏鬆症發生機會。站在健康照護第一線的醫療專業人員,是否擁有較佳的預防知識及行為,是我們要探討的主題。本研究為一橫段面研究,採立意取樣中部某區域醫院女性員工為樣本,探討醫療專業人員骨質疏鬆症知識、態度、鈣質攝取狀況及預防行為,並與一般行政人員比較之。資料收集時間為2004.10–2005.06,以問卷收集受測者基本資料、骨質疏鬆症相關預防行為、鈣質攝取相關知識與預防骨質疏鬆症飲食認知及態度;以24小時回憶法及半定量式飲食頻率問卷(FFQ)收集飲食相關資料;體位測量身高、體重、腰圍、臀圍、腹圍、中臂圍、三頭肌皮脂厚度、體脂肪;以定量超音波檢測骨質密度;並進行生化測定;問卷收集與體位測量由五位註冊營養師負責完成。參與本次研究的受測者共500人(醫療專業人員401人、一般行政人員99人),平均年齡31.49±8.32。研究結果顯示受測者每日鈣質攝取量(表4 FFQ)醫療專業人員僅456.26±218.45毫克,一般行政人員482.81±232.18毫克。以t檢定兩組人員差異性,知識部分醫療專業人員顯著高於一般行政人員(p<0.001),但在鈣質攝取與運動量則與一般行政人員無顯著差異;以Logistic Regression 分析,年齡可以預測鈣質攝取量與T值< -1。結果顯示,對於醫療專業人員應給予持續的骨質疏鬆症相關在職教育,提供即時的骨質疏鬆症相關資訊,以提升醫療專業人員骨質疏鬆症相關知識及預防行為,並能正確教育照護民眾。


Osteoporosis, a major public health problem, is becoming increasingly prevalent with the aging of the world population. Numerous studies have found clear associations between several health behaviors and a decreases risk of osteoporosis. Prevention of osteoporosis plays a very important role in management of the disease, and may slow its rate of development or onset. Health-care professionals are responsible for taking care of patients, educating patients, and preventing disease. If they have more osteoporosis knowledge and preventive behavior is our question. The aim of our study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude of osteoporosis, calcium intake and preventive behavior in female health-care professional employees of Central Taiwan hospital, and compare with the official female employees of Central Taiwan hospital. A cross-sectional study in 500 female employees of a Central Taiwan hospital, free of medications known to affected bone was carried out. Osteoporosis preventive behavior, knowledge and attitude of osteoporosis were collected. Dietary intake, including supplements, was assessed by 24-hour dietary recall and semi-quantification frequent questionnaire. Bone mineral density was measured by quantitative Ultrasound measurement. Average calcium intakes were 456.26±218.45mg and 482.81±232.18mg for health-care professional and official female employees, respectively(Table 4). There is significant difference in osteoporosis knowledge but no significant difference in the calcium intake and physical activity between health-care professional and official female employees. Age and professional can predict the T score (<-1) and knowledge respectively. The results suggest we should provide continuous education and update information for health-care professional. And a good strategy for changing of prevention behavior should be set to improve health-care professional behavior.


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