  • 學位論文


Reduction in Incidence of Healthcare-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Correlation Consumption of Antibiotics

指導教授 : 楊順發


依據1998年國家衛生研究院「台灣地區抗生素抗藥性之監測計畫」(Taiwan Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance; TSAR)之調查報告顯示,台灣醫療照護相關病患之抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌感染 (Healthcare-Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus; HA-MRSA)的盛行率從1993年的16.3%增加到1998年的82.0%,其中以醫學中心最為明顯。在2007年TSAR的數據也顯示,這些醫學中心病人分離出的MRSA菌株,佔金黃色葡萄球菌的比率,在一般病房為58%,在門診病人為42%,在加護病房則高過70%。HA-MRSA其明顯的感染危險因子,如長期住院、長期使用廣效性抗生素、使用侵入性醫療措施、潛在疾病等。國內外研究調查顯示,MRSA 已是全球臨床上極受重視的多重抗藥菌之一。基於此重要課題,本研究評估某醫學大學附設之教學醫院長達7年的抗生素的使用量與醫療照護相關病患之抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌(HA-MRSA )之相關性。在一個擁有892病床的醫學中心進行回溯性橫斷式研究; 藥物用量統計是根據WHO所公告的每日定義劑量(defined daily dose,DDD)計量單位來統計自2001至2007年抗生素之使用量,藥品之分類是按WHO/ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical, ATC) 系統分類,採用每千人每日標準日劑數(DDDs /1000 Patient-Days)進行趨勢分析,並與醫院品質指標包括院內感染密度探討其相關性。研究結果:從2001至 2007年整個醫院抗感染藥物減少34.2%的消耗量,在臺灣每千人日台幣 (Taiwan dollar /1000 PD )也減少25%抗生素費用的支出。MRSA盛行率從 2001 年到 2007年在整個醫院已有減少的趨勢 (χ2 = 18.89,P < 0.001)。 而我們更發現抗生素的總消耗量和MRSA 的盛行率及感染密度的正相關性(γ = 0.827,P = 0.022) 是有意義的顯著。這項研究的結論可以明瞭MRSA感染之盛行率與抗生素使用量是並行的,所以管控抗生素的使用量對抗生素的抗藥性是非常重要的。此結論可以作為制訂醫院抗生素使用量的基礎政策。


To investigate the relationship between antimicrobial consumption and Healthcare-Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus infection (HA-MRSA) at a medical center in central Taiwan between 2001 and 2007. We conducted a retrospective study to collect the antibiotics use from the database of the department of pharmacy, expressed as defined daily dose (DDDs) and clinical isolated MRSA from microbiology laboratory and HA-MRSA from the infection control committee, the incidence of HA-MRSA defined as number of resistant isolates per 1000 patient-days (PD), the relationship was calculated with the Pearson’s correlation. The average annual consumption of antimicrobials was 1818.7±550.0 DDDs/1000 PD in the entire hospital every year. A 34.2% decrease was found in the total antimicrobial consumption between 2001 and 2007 for the entire hospital. The expenditure of antibiotics expresses as Taiwan dollar/1000 PD deceased 25%. The prevalence of MRSA had a trend decrease (χ2=18.89, P <0.001) in the entire hospital from 2001 to 2007. We found the positive correlations between total consumption of antibiotics and incidence of HA-MRSA (γ=0.914, P = 0.004). A positive correlations between infection density and MRSA prevalence rate (γ=0.827, P = 0.022) was found significantly. We concluded the infection control and use of antibiotics are both important in the controlling antimicrobial resistance in hospital. This research can serve as a basis for policy making on antibiotic usage in the future in the hospital.


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