  • 學位論文


Concurrent Validity, Practice Effect, and Dual-Task Cost of Sensory Organization Test: General Adolescents and Rhythmic Gymnasts.

指導教授 : 陳惠雅


目的:探討兩種測試感覺整合測試(SOT)與小兒平衡感覺互動臨床測試 (PCTSIB)的同時效度、感覺整合測試(SOT)的練習效應、最後比較執行雙任務時兩難度(低難度、高難度)之減數任務難易度對感覺整合測試(SOT)表現影響的程度,應用於ㄧ般青少年與韻律體操運動員中。方法:採方便取樣年齡13-17歲並分為一般青少年及韻律體操運動員兩族群。分析感覺整合測試(SOT)與平衡感覺互動臨床測試(PCTSIB)測試六種條件,以PCTSIB分數與SOT分數、PCTSIB秒數與SOT分數作為兩種平衡測試相關性評估。比較SOT每次練習的平衡分數、總合分數作為SOT練習效應;用雙任務條件下,使用DTC指標來做為比較兩族群在雙任務中受影響程度。結果:兩種測試相關性為無相關,除了韻律體操運動員在PCTSIB秒數與SOT分數狀況五有正相關(R=0.6, P=0.016)SOT分數會隨著PCTSIB秒數而增加;而在練習效應來看一般青少年在SOT第一與二次練習平衡分數(P=0.003)、總合分數(P=0.003),SOT第二與三次練習平衡分數(P=0.0024)、總合分數(P=0.047),以及SOT第五與六次練習平衡分數(P=0.018)中有練習效應,而韻律體操運動員藉以設計可能因為平衡能力較一般青少年好會需要更少次數的練習,但因為本研究中測試SOT過少練習次數(僅3次練習),因而無法確認其練習效應次數;兩族群受測者在兩種減數難易度(P=0.03)、SOT六種狀況(P<0.001)下會有差異,但不會因為族群不同而有影響,比較兩組群受測者平衡和減數DTC指標發現在兩族群中並沒有顯著差異。結論:根據研究結果,發現會因受測者族群不同而在感覺整合測試(SOT)與小兒平衡感覺互動臨床測試 (PCTSIB)兩種測試的相關性有所不同,一般青少年無相關,而韻律體操運動員則在依靠前庭覺輸入的狀況是有相關的。而在SOT練習效應會發生在一般青少年測試三次內,以及間隔兩個月後;而韻律體操運動員則是因為研究設計僅施測三次SOT練習而每次練習間都有差異,故無法確定練習效應達到穩定所需次數;另外在雙任務條件下,會因為高低難度而在雙任務中影響到平衡分數表現,高難度平衡分數表現比低難度平衡分數表現差,研究結果可作為有關平衡測試等方面之參考,並提供未來研究方向的建議。 關鍵字: 任務難易度、雙任務、青少年、韻律體操運動員、感覺整合測試


Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate concurrent validity between the Sensory Organization Test (SOT) and Pediatric Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction for Balance(PCTSIB). Another aim was to find out practice of the SOT effect; Finally, dual task with two level of difficult (low difficulty, high difficulty) of a stcondary mathematic combined with the SOT test were compared in general adolescents and rhythmic gymnasts. METHODS: Two conventioned groups included 15 general adolescents and 15 rhythmic gymnasts. SOT and PCTSIB tests were first assessmented in a cross-sectioned manner.The practice effect of SOT were then assessed five for general adolescents and twice for rhythmic gymnasts, and once after two months for both groups. After two moths, the in fluenes of dual-task were assessed using Dual-task Cost(DTC) index. Results: The correlation between SOT and PCTSIB was not significant,except in rhythmic gymnasts in condition five (R=0.6,P=0.016). Our results indicated that the general adolescents had SOT practice effects from session one to two (P = 0.003), session two to three (P = 0.024), session five to six (P = 0.018) and rhythmic gymnasts had practice from session one to two (P <0.001), session two to three (P = 0.048).We also found significant differented of two level difficulty of mathematic task(P=0.03), of SOT six conditions(P<0.001), but no effectof group. The DTC index between general adolescents and rhythmic gymnasts was not significantly different. Conclusion: The correlation between the SOT and PCTSIB tests was not significantly different in generally teenagers and rhythmic gymnasts, except in the condition relying only on the vestibular sense in rhythmic gymnasts . The practice effects needed in general adolescents were three times, but rhythmic gymnasts the practice effect was uncertain,because we did not have enough practice sessions.The two level of task difficult resulted in different dual-task balance performance.The results the study results can be used as a reference to balance, and provide directions for future research.


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