  • 學位論文


Evaluation of isolation effectiveness during the use of gloves in jackhammer operating

指導教授 : 盧士一


臨床與流行病學研究證實,動力手工具的操作者在手-手臂系統因局部振動導致的不同類型傷病,概稱為手-手臂振動症候群。為降低手-手臂系統發生振動症候群的風險,不同類型的手套經常性被使用。然而,此類手套對於振動手工具與操作情境的有效性,尚有待探討。本研究主要目的,在探討操作電動手工具破碎機,佩戴不同材質手套與不同施力情況,對於振動隔絕效果之影響。研究中挑選15名受測者,佩戴四種材質手套(棉紗手套、天然橡膠手套、氯丁橡膠手套、凝膠海棉手套),以垂直作業姿勢,手部施力包括兩種推力(98 N與196 N)、兩種握力(輕握與重握),配合單點壓力薄膜式電阻片,來評估推力與握力輕重等作業條件的改變,對手部振動之影響。以在實驗室操作電動破碎機的方式,利用單點薄膜式握力器DATAQ訊號量測模組,控制握力與振動測試儀器IHVM,來分析振動加速度平均值的變化。探討佩戴何種減振動工程手套,與操作方式對手部振動之減少效果最佳,以減低罹患手臂振動症候群之風險,保護勞工健康。 四種減振動手套與四種施力作業方式,混合統計分析,實驗結果顯示,作業方式手部施力以輕握輕推,佩戴凝膠海棉抗振動手套,手臂三軸總合振動加速度平均值顯示最低。佩戴棉紗手套,手部施力以重握重推(196 N),手臂三軸總合振動加速度平均值顯示最高。驗證電動破碎機壓力磅秤實驗室結果可靠性,本研究另實驗電動破碎機敲擊石塊實驗,這與外面勞工作業方式,操作電動手工具破碎機敲擊石塊背景相符合。 本研究結果顯示,在不影響作業安全情況下,作業方式以輕握輕推操作方式,對手臂減少振動較有明顯效果,職場勞工常用的棉紗手套,對手部減少振動效果較不明顯。佩戴手套以防振凝膠海棉材質手套,對手臂減少振動效果有明顯較佳。但輕握輕推操作電動手工具破碎機,在實際作業效率可能變差,因水泥石塊堅硬,輕握輕推可能無法擊穿,或者作業時間可能要更久,因此操作電動手工具破碎機,還需要視實際工作內容,調整輕握輕推操作方式。


In both clinical studies and inpatient clinics, workers using power tools are seen to have localized injury to the hand and arm due to use of vibratory equipment. To reduce hand-arm area injury, workers wear a variety of gloves. The effectiveness of these gloves in providing vibration isolation should be determined. The main purpose of this study was to measure the vibration in the dominant hand on subjects wearing four anti-vibration gloves in different force application scenarios using jackhammerswhile using a vibration tester system, IHVM, and force sensor in order to evaluate which glove had the best performance in vibration isolation. This study included 15 participants using 4 types of glove (cotton, natural rubber, neoprene and gel), two different force applications (98 N or 196 N), and two griping techniques (heavy and light). Using the vibration tester system, IHVM-100, and force sensor system, DATAQ, the study evaluated vibration levels to decrease the risk of hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). The minimum vibration using the jackhammer was observed when lightly pushing and lightly griping while wearing gelfoam anti-vibration gloves. The maximum vibration was observed wearing cotton gloves and by pushing with 196 N of force while heavily griping the jackhammer. In terms of accuracy, the clinical testing used material similar to that typically seen by the workers when using the jackhammer in actual working conditions. The study showed that, without impacting worker safety, lightly pushing and lightly griping while wearing gelfoam anti-vibration gloves offered the greatest reduction in vibratory force on the shoulder area joints. However, in actual conditions, it was possible that the hardness of the material being jackhammered would cause a longer time to complete work if workers apply insufficient force. Therefore, the worker should apply the minimum necessary force the task demands.


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