  • 學位論文


Healthy Behavior Models Applied to Exercise Intention, Exercise Behavior and Physical Activity

指導教授 : 黃淑玲


動機與目的:健康促進(Health promotion)為「幫助人們具有控制並增進自身健康之能力的過程」。本研究期望能找出影響全職工作者運動意圖、運動行為及身體活動(PA)的預測因子,以利職場及政策在規畫職場健康促進計畫時能有更全面的考量,使工作者擁有健全身心狀態,同時也可增加企業經營之效益。 方法:採橫斷式問卷調查,共有400位受試者同意參與本研究,由受過訓練之研究人員協助填寫問卷,問卷包含人口學變項、健康信念量表(以收集健康信念模型資料)、計畫行為理論量表(以收集計畫行為理論資料)、運動自我效能量表(以評估測量個人控制信念)、運動意圖及運動行為調查、國際身體活動量表。以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關檢驗問卷結果之得分表現與分布,並以多元線性迴歸探討三種健康行為模型分別對運動意圖、規律運動程度以及各項身體活動的預測力。 結果:一、健康信念模型、計畫行為理論以及個人控制信念等三種健康行為模型皆能單獨預測運動意圖、規律運動行為及休閒PA;在共同考慮下的迴歸中,僅計畫行為理論及個人控制信念具關聯顯著性。二、三種健康行為模型中,僅健康信念模型與個人控制信念能單獨預測總量PA。三、三種健康行為模型對交通PA與工作PA皆無預測效果。四、個人控制信念為運動意圖、規律運動行為及休閒PA的最佳預測因子。五、相對於規律運動行為與休閒PA,運動意圖可被三種健康行為模型解釋的變異量最高。 結論:在預測運動意圖、規律運動行為及休閒PA中,以個人控制信念為最佳預測模型,次為健康信念模型與計畫行為理論。個人控制信念最能預測運動意圖及規律運動行為,其次為休閒PA。上述結果顯示自我效能對運動意圖及運動行為有顯著預測能力,若能協助工作者相信自身擁有足夠能力進行改變或維持,則可提高運動意圖,進而使運動行為的增加。交通PA及工作PA在個體可控性方面不如休閒PA,因此難以藉由任一健康行為模型預測此兩項身體活動。


Purpose: Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health. The present study aimed to figure out the predictors of Exercise Intention, Exercise Behavior, and Physical Activity (PA) for full-time workers. The models for healthy behavior, namely Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, and Health locus of control, were considered as independent variables in the present study. Method: A total of 400 subjects agreed to participate in this cross-sectional study. The participants were asked to full in the questonnaires. The questionnaires included demographic variables, the Health Belief Scale, the Theory of Planned Behavior Scale, the Self-Efficacy for Exercise, the questions regarding Exercise Intention, Exercise Behavior, and The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The Independent Sample t-test, One-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient test were carried out to analyze data. Moreover, multiple linear regression was used to explore the predictability of Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, and Health locus of control on Exercise Intention, Exercise Behavior and different types of PA. Result: The results showed that (1) Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, and Health locus of control could predict Exercise Intention, Exercise Behavior and Leisure PA separately. However, only Theory of Planned Behavior and Health locus of control belief were significantly related with Exercise Intention, Exercise Behavior and Leisure PA when three models were put in regression analysis simultaneously. (2) Among the three Healthy Behavior Models, only the Health Belief Model and Health locus of control could individually predict the Total PA. (3) The three Healthy Behavior Models did not show significant realtion with Transportation PA and Occupation PA. (4) Health locus of control was the best predictor of Exercise Intention, Exercise Behavior, and Leisure PA. (5) Compared with Exercise Behavior and Leisure PA, Exercise Intention could be explained by the three Healthy Behavior Models with the highest amount of variation. Conclusion: In predicting Exercise Intention, Exercise Behavior, and Leisure PA, Health locus of control is the best predictive model, followed by Health Belief Model and Theory of Planned Behavior. The results indicated that self-efficacy was significantly associated with Exercise Intention and Exercise Behavior. Therefore, enhancing the worker’s self efficacy for exercise could be the strategy at workplace health promotion to increase their intention of exercise and maintain the level of exercise behavior.


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