  • 學位論文


A study of the negative attitudes of mental health care professionals toward mentally ill patients

指導教授 : 顏文娟


背景:民眾對於精神疾病的刻板印象容易造成患者在人際關係、就業與居住等多重生活層面影響,並且加重心理層面的困擾,成為他們尋求精神衛生醫療服務的阻礙。當病患將社會大眾的看法內化則會造成自我污名,且因社會的偏見,使得病患對他人眼光很敏感,容易將他人不自覺的行為反應當作為污名。精神醫療人員與病患密切接觸,且受過專業訓練理當可以理解病患,但研究顯示醫療人員對於病患仍存有刻板印象,在與病患互動時不自覺的行為反應,可能會造成病患的負面感受。 目的:本研究的目的,探討精神病患自覺受精神醫療人員負向態度之感受。 方法:研究採用質性方法,於中部某精神專科醫院精神科康復之家進行收案,以半結構式訪談方式進行深度訪談,最後將訪談收集的資料採用內容分析法進行資料分析。 結果:本研究發現精神病患與精神衛生醫療人員互動時並不是都是負向經驗,有些病患在照顧過程會感受被關心及重視,但也有些病患表示有負向經驗,歸納分為兩個部分:一、負向感受的原因被歸類為:需求被剝奪、需求被忽略、感覺被監控不被尊重;二、負向感受則歸類成:鄙視感、懲罰的擔憂及被強迫感。 結論:本研究結果發現在照護過程中,精神病患自覺精神醫療人員的負向態度主觀經驗,能夠為臨床醫療專業人員成為自我反思的借鏡。


Background: People’s stereotypes toward mental illness affect interpersonal relationship, employment, and living of mentally ill patients. Especially, it results in patients’ psychological distress which seriously hinder psychiatric help seeking of patients. Internalizing people's stereotypes can lead to self-Stigma. In addition, due to social prejudice, patients are very sensitive to the attitudes of others, and it is easy to perceive the unconscious behavioral responses of others as stigma. Research shows that even mental health professionals have professional training, some of them still hold stereotypes about their patients. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate patients' subjective experiences when interpreting professionals' attitudes towards mentally ill patients as negative. Methods: The study used qualitative methods. Participants were recruited at a psychiatric rehabilitation facility in a psychiatric hospital in central Taiwan. Semi structure interviews were conducted. Finally, the interview data was analyzed by content analysis. Results: The interactions between mental health professionals and patients were not all negative experiences. Some patients felt cared and valued during their care, but some expressed negative experiences. Two themes were concluded as (1.) The causes of negative feeling and (2.) negative feeling. Three sub-themes of “causes of negative feeling” were deprivation of needs, neglect of needs, sense of monitoring and disrespect; Three sub-themes of “negative feeling” were concluded as contempt, fear of punishment, coercion. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that mental health professionals should conduct self-reflection on their attitudes toward people with mental illness


王盈婷(2016).思覺失調症患者接受精神衛生專業服務之烙印經驗—專業人員的絆與伴.國立成功大學護理學系碩士論文。 https://hdl.handle.net/11296/d7ufg4
