  • 學位論文


From Cultural Tourism to Festival Construction: A Critical Approach for All Festivals Held in Taiwan

指導教授 : 朱宗慶


1996年起,在中央政府輔助下,藝文節慶如雨後春筍在全台出現,被視為活絡地方文化、振興地方產業的契機。但官方樂觀的說法言猶在耳,2006年起,不少藝術節陸續傳出停辦或難以為繼的災情;媒體與學者也大篇幅抨擊「全台飆節慶」,列舉出十大亂象,讓藝術節行情如雪上加霜。 針對這一個複雜文化命題,媒體的報導評論卻出現很多疏失矛盾,激發了筆者的研究動機。媒體與學者的見解,反映出藝文節慶在台灣的尷尬處境──不斷在文化與產業的天平上擺盪,找不到穩定而充滿自信的發展方向。藝文節慶在台灣發展至今不到十五年,還處於摸索階段,地方政府和專家應秉持什麼原則來打造一個藝術節?他們該如何看待文化、產業等相關課題? 在研究過程中,筆者發現外國從1970年代興起的文化旅遊研究,提供了完整的參考典範。這個領域的學說包羅萬象,涵蓋民俗文化、藝術管理、族群、政治、社會行為、區域經濟、城鄉發展和市場行銷等,並納入了社會學、人類學和人種誌的理論。 在文化方面,包括狄恩˙麥肯諾等學者從衍生文化、原生文化的理論出發,提出了追尋「真實性」的觀點,為旅遊與節慶找到立論基礎。在產業方面,他們就商品化的利弊、文化城鎮的建構、旅遊行銷的實務,做了詳盡的探索。經過研究之後,筆者認為,當代藝文節慶是文化旅遊的一圜,如果能建立在學者麥肯諾提出的「原生結構」之上,則能兼顧文化理念與地方產業發展,使藝文節慶得以長久經營。 為了印證相關理論能否應用於台灣藝文節慶,筆者挑選了「平溪國際天燈節」、「台北國際打擊樂節」做為範例,結果顯示,「原生結構」能充分檢驗藝文節慶的建構,並提出分析、預測與建議。至於地方政府與專家在藝術節所扮演的角色,筆者認為媒體與大眾應採取紀登斯提出的賦權與信任原則,鼓勵所有實踐者繼續探索台灣文化的生命力與活力。


In 1996, Council of Cultural Affairs has announced a policy to support local governments to organize their own festivals in cities and towns. Suddenly, a lot of festivals have proliferated all over the country. At the beginning, they have been boosted as one of the creative industries and have been constructed to attract tourists, to generate cultural and creative power. However, many festivals have been suspended or even terminated in recent years. What the worst is many festivals have been condemned by mass media as chaos, full of bewildering things and even scandals. But mass media cannot justify themselves because there are many faults in their reports. However, their comments on festivals have stimulated me to seek solution for all festivals in Taiwan. How can a local government construct one successful festivalNULL How can they sustain the festival and still get applause for many yearsNULL My research shows that some concepts and theories from cultural tourism will offer the solution. Since the latter half of 1970s, many anthropologists and social scientists have studied and published substantial works on tourism. Both symbolic cultural issues and socioeconomic issues in tourism have been deeply explored to provide insights into this leisure industry. One of the celebrated writer, Dean MacCannell, saw the tourists in pursuit of authenticity after finding themselves lost in this modern world. He also presented a model of modern society, i.e. structure genuine and spurious, to examine the social structure of modernity. His theories and model can be fully applied to the construction of festivals, which is regarded as one kind of cultural tourism nowadays. Genuine structure is composed of the values and material culture manifest in the true sights. The spurious side of the social structure of modernity is composed out of information, memories, images and other representations which become detached from genuine cultural elements. If one festival is built on the genuine structure of society, it is very likely to be a successful one.


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