  • 學位論文


Development and Transmission of Taiwanese Traditional Musical Groupes for the Procession: the Case Study on Troupes of Beiguan Shiyin

指導教授 : 簡秀珍


北管音樂於台灣民間頗為常見,以往在婚喪喜慶、廟會慶典的場合中常可看到,和民眾生活息息相關,其表演型式大概可分為排場、陣頭和戲劇,什音團便是其中以陣頭型式表現的一類。 什音團的組成人數有八人以上,而樂器種類數量也符合其「什」字的涵義,所有北管音樂裡使用的樂器幾乎都可涵蓋,所演奏的曲目是北管音樂當中的絃譜,其領奏樂器是北管音樂當中的小型嗩吶,又稱噠仔,每次出團時除了演奏樂器的藝師之外,旁邊會有人架起「天帆」隨著演奏樂器的藝師們前進。 在文獻蒐集的過程中,發現登錄於桃園地區的什音團共有十五個,筆者便以桃園為起點,進而在斗南、台南、高雄地區進行田野調查,試圖釐清目前北管什音團存在於民間的樣貌,並說明目前的陣頭當中,有那些有可能是從什音團衍生出來的團體。 在接觸北管什音團的過程中,於台南新寮鎮安宮發現一八音團,該團的性質實際屬於什音團,透過與該團所屬的社區志工進行保存教學計劃案,並從參與計劃案的過程中,綜合之前於北部、中部田野調查的結果,說明目前北管什音團在現今社會中,所面臨保存、延續及發展的問題。


北管 北管音樂 什音 八音 陣頭


Beiguan is one of the most popular music in Taiwan . We can hear the music in the occasions of ceremonies, such as the wedding, the funeral, or the religious celebration. It is very closed to our lives. Performauces of Beiguan can be divided into three types: the concert (Paichang, 排場), the musical lorry in a procession(Zhentou, 陣頭) , and theatre(戲劇). The Shiyin(variety music) is belonged to the type of “the musical lorry in a procession”. The troupe of variety music is composed of more then eight performers, with the number and the types of musical instruments involved conforming to the meaning of “she” (the number “ten”). Most of the musical instruments used in Beiguan music can be played in variety music as well. The variety music is belonged to the string and wind music ( Xianpu絃譜) of Beiguan, played with the small suona (嗩吶), also called the dazi (噠仔) The function of the dazi is as the leading instrument of the group. When the troupes of variety music in the processions, the musicians marching and a moving pavilion (Tianfan 天帆) protecting them from the sunlight. I started my field work for Taoyuan (桃園) where 15 troupes of shiyin had been investigated, then I proceeded to investigat in Dounan (斗南), Tainan (台南), and Gaoxiong (高雄). I would like to discovery the recent status of the in our folk culture. During my study, I find a group of Bayin(Eight musical instruments,八音) in the Zhenan temple (鎮安宮) at Xinlian (新寮), in Tainan. This group is called “Bayin”, but actually its music is belonged to Shiyin. I took part in a project for helping this group to transmit the music, and interviewed with the participants in the same time. All of the observation from the field and the case study of the musical group in Zhenan temple have advanced our understanding of the development of troupes of Shiyin and the difficulties of transmission in Taiwan nowadays.


Beiguan music Shiyin Taiwan procession




