  • 學位論文


Memorial Museum, Memory Study and Transitional Justice: From International Experiences to Green Island Human Rights Culture Park

指導教授 : 廖仁義


二次戰後,228事件、白色恐怖影響台灣深遠。1980年代中期,社會運動風起雲湧、民主化運動激烈衝撞舊有體制,平反歷史、設立紀念館成為運動的議題之一。紀念228、白色恐怖的紀念碑、紀念地、紀念館(政治監獄)陸續成立,公開的紀念化(memorialization)現象,所代表的紀念文化、文化記憶的意義,成為當代社會文化研究的重要部分。反映在博物館世界的全球「紀念館熱」現象,突顯紀念館在全球思潮、國際政治、經濟環境的趨勢下的特殊性。 全球多數紀念館在二次戰後設立,1980年代快速增加,發展時間不長,它涉及當代民主轉型正義的議題,紀念館和1990年代全球記憶研究熱潮,連結為研究文化記憶的新課題。本研究借助紀念館文獻、記憶研究、轉型正義研究、規劃設計實務的考察,說明紀念館相關國際組織和案例,與政治、美學的對話,探索紀念館文化的現象。紀念館訴說的是歷史、還是記憶,產生了博物館、歷史、記憶的交互多重課題,有別於傳統歷史博物館。 本研究以228紀念館、綠島人權園區為例,探討記憶在我國紀念館展示規劃及紀念館文化中所呈現的記憶、文化遺產議題,吸取博物館研究相關新興領域,探索學科邊界的文化新現象或知識挑戰,突顯紀念館研究中人權、公共領域的課題,激發我國設立國家人權博物館的想像與實踐


In the wake of World War Two, Taiwan suffered the huge impact of the February 28 Incident of 1947 and the subsequent White Terror. In the mid-1980s, social movements began to stir, as the democratic movement delivered a fierce attack on the old order. Calls for the redressing of history and the establishment of commemorative museums were a part of this movement, with the erection of commemorative plaques dedicated to the February 28 Incident and the White Terror, not to mention commemorative locations, museums (such as former political prisons) and the like, as the memorialization phenomenon took hold. This culture of memory became an important part of the research into society and culture of the period. Likewise on the international stage, reflecting the global "memorial hall fever" of the museum world, this movement suddenly became a unique feature of global consciousness, international politics and the economic environment. Most of the world's memorial museums were founded after World War Two, with the number rapidly increasing in the 1980s, so their developmental history has been short. As they touch on the topic of democratic transitional justice of the period, the memorial museums, connected as they are with the global memory research fever, constitute a new subject of research into cultural memory. This study makes use of archival materials of the memorial museums, research on memory and on transitional justice, and practical considerations of planning and design to explicate how the memorial museums in Taiwan relate to international organizations and case examples, and, together with a look at the dialogue between politics and aesthetics, explores the current phenomenon of memorial museum culture. Are memorial museums primarily matters of history or of the memory? Unlike traditional historical museums, they mark the intersect between museums, history and memory in a multi-faceted subject. Taking the Taipei 228 Memorial Museum and the Green Island Human Rights Culture Park as case studies, this research explores the role of memory in the planning of Taiwan's memorial museums and what sort of memory is manifested in the memorial museum culture. Making use of relatively new territory in museum research, it probes the new cultural phenomena and intellectual challenges of the scientific frontier, examining the prominent areas human rights and public space in memorial museums, and how they have inspired the imagining and bringing to fruition the country's national human rights museums.




