  • 學位論文


The Influence of a Leader on the Organization Culture of Street Dance Studios

指導教授 : 黃蘭貴


摘 要 1980年代隨著電影與音樂錄影帶輸入,饒舌音樂與街舞開始進入臺灣。近年來,由於街舞活動逐漸受到青少年所喜愛,舞團、工作室與大專院校社團相繼出現。在研究者自身觀察中,由於街舞市場與日俱增,街舞組織經營方式也變得越來越多元,並以街舞工作室最為穩定發展。在進行初步訪談後發現,雖然街舞工作室都以教學、演出為主要活動,但每間工作室都具有獨特的組織文化,引發研究者探討街舞工作室領導者與組織文化關係的動機。然而,目前學術領域裡對於臺灣街舞相關的研究及專書仍然相當匱乏,因此研究者期望能經由本研究,了解街舞工作室之間組織文化的差異與其形成之因素。 本研究採取質性研究法,以臺北市街舞工作室為研究對象,選定六名領導者進行深度訪談,輔以參與觀察蒐集研究資料。研究者參考Schein(2010)所提出六項領導者影響組織文化主要的深植機制進行分析,同時根據Hawkins(1997)的水蓮圖整合不同學者對於組織文化的定義,以可觀察與推論的水蓮花、葉與莖部分,對不同領導者所形塑的街舞工作室組織文化進行比較與探討,並採用Wallach(1983)所提出之組織文化類型歸納街舞工作室組織文化。最後,探討領導者影響組織文化的途徑與組織文化之關係。 本研究探討街舞工作室領導者影響組織文化的方式與成果,得到三點結論:(1)領導者藉由親力親為形塑組織文化。(2)領導者傾向建立充滿彈性思維的家庭式組織文化。(3)系出同門的領導者會營造相似的組織文化。


Abstract With the introduction of movies and music videos in the 1980s, rap and street dance began finding their way into Taiwan. In recent years, as street dance became popular among teenagers, dance companies, studios, and societies in universities and colleges have also been created. From the personal observation of the researcher, with the expansion of the street dance market, the operations of street dance organizations have also diversified, among which the development of dance studios being the most stable. After initial interviews, it is found that although teaching and performances are the main activities performed in dance studios, each studio has its own unique organizational culture, motivating the study of the relationship between leaders of dance studios and their organizational culture. However, since there is a tremendous lack of research and dedicated books related to street dance in the Taiwan academia, it is the expectation of this paper to understand, through this study, the differences between the organizational cultures of dance studios, and reasons for its existence. This study adopts the qualitative research method, choosing dance studios in Taipei City as research targets, and among which six leaders are chosen for in-depth interviews, while assisted by research materials collected via participation and observation. For the purpose of analysis, this study refers to the six “primary embedding mechanisms” (Schein 2010) with which leaders use to influence the organizational culture; definitions of organizational cultures proposed by different scholars were integrated using Hawkins’ (1997) “water-lily” model; dance studio organizational cultures developed by different leaders via the observable and inferable water-lily flower, leaf and stem were compared and explored; and the classified organizational culture profiles proposed by Wallach (1983) was adopted to arrive at the induction of the organizational cultures of dance studios. Finally, this study explores the methods leaders choose to adopt to influence organizational culture, and their relationship with the organizational culture. This study explores the methods used and results achieved by dance studio leaders on influencing the organizational culture, and reached the following three conclusions: 1. Leaders cultivate the organizational culture through personal involvement; 2. Leaders tend to develop family-style organizational culture with flexibility; 3. Leaders born from the same training system tend to cultivate similar organizational cultures.


林益民 (1997)。在街頭相遇-側寫青少年舞團。臺灣社會研究,25,209-225。
