  • 學位論文


The Maintenance System for Preservation of Taiwan's Archaeological Sites: A Law-centered Study

指導教授 : 劉益昌


文化資產保存法(1982)公布至今已經三十年,在2005年大幅修訂後,雖將遺址獨立於古蹟之外單獨規範,但考古遺址在所有有形文化資產中,一直處於弱勢邊緣的狀態。在欠缺文化資產人才培育政策的情況下,從考古學研究人才到保存維護遺址的專業人員、編列的預算都十分缺乏,國人對臺灣這塊土地認識不足,使得考古遺址研究,難跨學術鴻溝,深入國民的知識體系,也迫使考古遺址的保存與維護工作,難以落實。 不像其他有形的文化資產,遺址屬埋藏性,易受都市計畫或大型建設影響而受難預期的破壞,考古遺址若滅失將不能完整說明臺灣人類活動歷程。 本文擬透過應用性研究提出可能解決的方案。採取文獻資料蒐集分析與深度訪談方法進行研究。此外,探討國內當前的遺址保存維護狀態,以正在規劃籌設遺址公園的國定鳯鼻頭遺址為國內案例;並援引已完成遺址公園設置的國外案例,進行比對,企為未來遺址公園的設立,提出建言與方針,期能針對遺址類文化資產保存維護,提出問題與解決方案,做為未來保存維護遺址類文化資產相關措施的參考。


The Cultural Heritage Preservation Act has been effected for 30 years. Although the specifications for archaeological sites are taken out of those for historic sites and form an exclusive part after major amendment in 2005, archaeological sites are still marginalized in all physical cultural heritage. Under the inadequate fostering policy of human resources for cultural heritage, such as lacking of archaeological researchers, professionals for preserving archaeological sites, budget and mass ignorance of preservation, it is hard to realize the interdisciplinary archaeological research, mass awareness, preservation and maintenance of archaeological sites. Unlike other physical cultural heritage, archaeological sites are buried underneath and tend to be damaged unexpectedly by construction of urban planning. If archaeological sites get ruined, it can not depict the complete evolution of human activities in Taiwan. This paper is to propose possible solutions through applicability study based on related document collection, data analysis and in-depth interviews. In addition, the status of preservation and maintenance of present archaeological sites is explored by a case study of planning a National Feng-pi-tou archaeological site park. Similar cases of building archaeological site parks in foreign countries are introduced and compared. Some suggestions and guidelines are offered for building future archaeological site parks. Some problems and solutions are also proposed to preserve and maintain cultural heritage of archaeological sites for future references of taking relevant measures.


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