  • 學位論文


Historical Empathy:History Education of the Museum Theatres

指導教授 : 陳佳利


博物館藏有豐富的史料和歷史物件,透過展覽與教育活動,讓觀眾在博物館中擁有有別於學校教育的歷學習史的經驗。然而對兒童觀眾來說,僅靠展板文字還是難以理解展櫃內文物「在過去生活中是如何被人們使用?」、「對當時人類生活而言究竟有何意義?」等問題。因此近年來,有越來越多的博物館透過劇場演出的形式,活化歷史文物及促進學習。究竟博物館劇場(Museum Theatre)對兒童神入與學習歷史有何影響,為本研究所要探討的主題。 本研究以新北市立淡水古蹟博物館《那一年的滬尾之役》以及國立臺灣歷史博物館《大肚王傳奇》兩齣博物館劇場為研究個案,以參與觀察法和問卷調查,研究國小兒童觀眾的博物館劇場參與經驗。研究發現,博物館劇場縮減兒童觀眾與歷史之間的時空距離,活化靜態文物,也促使他們更容易理解展示主題和文物的內涵。其次,博物館劇場可作為開放對話的場域,經由劇情引導思考不同的問題,除了讓參與活動的兒童觀眾表達自身觀點之外,同時也能了解他人對此歷史脈絡所持的看法。在這樣的辯證歷程中發掘歷史詮釋中蘊含的多樣性與變動性,此即神入歷史的學習方式。 然而,針對館方與館外合作劇團,筆者提出以下反省與建議:(1)考量兒童觀眾專注力,活動時間應以45-60分鐘為限;(2)劇本編製須符合目標觀眾之學習能力;(3)館方可另闢專門的劇場展演空間,增加完善的硬體設備;(4)未來若欲以戰爭主題為演出劇本,應採多元立場詮釋,避免單一立場形成好戰心態或對於歷史人物的偏見;(5)互動方式應避免因群眾效應影響參與兒童的決定與觀點;(6)演出結束後,增加綜合討論活動但要避免認知問答題,而是以第三者立場再次思考該歷史事件的相關議題,並引導兒童觀眾連結展示內容與演出主題;(7)基於經費及推廣效益,未來可針對常設展主題發展由2至3人在10-15分鐘可完成的短劇。


There are rich resources and collections in the history museum. The visitors’ experiences of learning history in the museums are different from schools through exhibitions and educational programs. However, it’s hard for children to understand questions like “how the objects were used in the past? ” and “What’s the meaning of the collection to the people in the past?” by exhibition labels. Recently, more museums intend to make history “alive” and encourage interactive learning by “Museum Theatre”. What children learn and experience in the museum theatre is going to be explored by this research. The case studies selelcted are “That Year during the Battle of Hobe” by the Tamsui Historical Museum and “The legend of Quataong” by the National Museum of Taiwan History. By applying the methods of participant observation and questionnaire, the research aims to investigate elementary school students’ “museum theatre experience”. First, the research findings show that museum theatre can bring the past closer to its audience, make the silent collections alive and the history easier to understand. In addition, museum theatre can be a public forum. Visitors engaged in the museum theatre can express their views and realize others’ opinions on the same topic. Lastly, visitors can explore the variety and flexibility of historical interpretation through the dialectical process, so called “historical empathy”. According to the research results, six suggestions are proposed to curators and theatre companies. First, due to short span of children’s attention, the total time of museum theatre should be no more than 45-60 minutes. Secondly, the contents of script should conform with the learning abilities of target audiences. Thirdly, museum could bulid a theatre designed for performances and museum theaters. Fourthly, if the script is about war history, the interpretation should be multiple in perspectives in terms of different ethnicic groups, to avoid the militants or bias view of history. Fifthly, the ways of interaction should be free for children to express their opinions and avoid group pressure. Sixthly, after the performance, there should be some discussion activities to lead children rethink about the issues, and connect it to the exhibits. Seventhly, due to the limited budget and to increase its impact, volunteers or staff can be recruited for shorter 10-15 minute performances in relation to the themes of the permanent exhibitions.




